Sports – Thursday, January 30th, 2020

The Salem Lady Basketball Tigers will be at Licking to face the Wildcats tonight in the Town and Country Bank “Lady Cat Classic”. The JV game gets underway at 6:00 for two quarters followed by the varsity match to follow. Salem goes into the game with an 11-6 record.

The Salem Boys Basketball Tigers will host the Licking Wildcats Friday night in the Town and Country Bank “Cat Classic”. The JV game gets underway at 6:00 with the varsity match to follow. You can hear the varsity game on KSMO Radio and online at Salem is 8-8 on the year.

Healthy Dent County Fitness Center will host its Third Annual month of Line Dance Classes. They will be held Tuesday evenings at 6:00 on February 11th, 18th & 25th and 6:30 on March 3rd. The cost is $5 per person and you can pay at the door. Rosalie Wright will be the instructor for the classes. Classes will be held at the Salem Community Center @ the Armory on the event floor at 1200 West Rolla Road. Call 573-739-1127 for more information.