Sports – Friday, April 6th, 2018
Boone Schrader went 4-4, scored three times and drove in two runs to lead a Salem Tiger 15 hit attack as Salem beat Mountain View, 14-4.
Salem is 2-2 on the year and 1-0 in the SCA Conference. Their next game will be Monday at Mountain Grove at 4:30.
The Salem Varsity Tigers Track will be at the St. James Invitational today at 3:00, weather permitting.
Robbie Ray worked around five walks over six innings and the bullpen closed out a two-hitter, helping the Arizona Diamondbacks spoil the St. Louis Cardinals’ home opener 3-1 on Thursday night. The Cards are off today and they will host Arizona Saturday and Sunday starting at 12:20 both days on KSMO radio.
The Kansas City Royals after being off Thursday, will be at Cleveland for a three game series starting this afternoon. All three game sin Cleveland will be day games.
The St. Louis Blues will finish out the regular season with two key games and must win both to ensure a playoff position. They will be in Chicago tonight starting at 7:00 on KSMO and Saturday night in Colorado with that game starting at 7:30.