Local News – Thursday, September 13th, 2018
Healthy Dent County and the Salem Memorial District Hospital invites you to join them for a great evening at the Community Wellness Expo today at the Salem Community Center @ the Armory, located at 1200 West Rolla Road in Salem. The event begins at 5:00 and will last until 7:00. This is a free community event to showcase the wellness of ourselves and our community. There will be interactive booths with hospitals, doctors’ offices, eye doctors, chiropractors, dentists, first responders, along with additional health providers. If you bring a canned good or non-perishable food item, you will receive a ticket to win prizes. You will receive one ticket for every item you bring in so if you bring in ten cans of food, you get ten tickets. The more you donate, the better your chances are to win prizes. All donations will be given to Sacred Heart Food Pantry. If you have any questions about the Community Wellness Expo, please call 729-8163.
On Monday, Community Betterment Judges Dean and Ava Lingner of Lathrop, MO visited Salem for the annual awards competition. During their visit, Salem was able to showcase local community projects accomplished since the last awards competition. Participating communities will be recognized at the 55th Annual MCB Conference that will be held in Columbia on October 14th and 15th. Governor Parson will be presenting the awards beginning at 5:00 on the 15th. All community members, friends and youth are invited to attend the informative educational sessions and awards competition where the winners of the adult leadership, youth leadership, community awards and community youth award group award will be recognized. Registration to event is open to anyone and can be made the MCB website: www.MOCommunityBetterment.com.
Come and join the fun and camaraderie at the 2018 Fall Rendezvous of the Missouri Fur Trappers Association this Friday and Saturday from 6:00 in the morning until 7:00 in the evening, and from 8:00 until noon on Sunday. It will be held at the Commons in Salem in Missouri. Numerous types of vendors will be in attendance. There will be something for the whole family to enjoy. Tent camping on the grounds is $15 per day, and electric hookups are available for $20 per day. If you want reservations for campsites with electrical and water hookups, you can call Sarah Myers at (573) 453-6551. A schedule of events that will occur daily at the event is available at the Missouri Fur Trappers Association website: www.missouritrappers.com.
University of Missouri Extension will host a Management Intensive Grazing School September 26th through 28th at the MU Hugo Wurdack Research Center near Cook Station. The three-day program will include guest speakers covering the topics of grazing system layout and design, watering systems, fence systems, soil fertility, livestock nutrition, and forage growth and quality. Additionally, extensive farm tours will be included to allow participants to receive training on grazing system utilization. The cost of the three-day school is $135 per person or $215 per farm couple. This fee includes the cost of meals, resource books and other handout materials pertinent to the course. Space is limited for this program, and registration along with full payment is required by September 20th. For more information, please contact Rachel Hopkins, MU Extension Ag Business Specialist at (573) 438-2671. To register, contact the Dent County Extension office at 573-729-3196, or visit www.extension.missouri.edu/dent.
The Dent County Sheriff’s Department has stated that a new scam is going on around the local area. Local people have been called saying they will be arrested on outstanding warrants. Individuals are being instructed to call a 1-803 number to keep from being arrested. The originating call is coming from South Carolina. THIS IS A SCAM! Please do not call the number they give you and do NOT give out any personal information if you do call. DO NOT SEND MONEY or give them credit card or bank numbers. If you receive this type of call, contact the Dent County Sheriff’s Department at 729-3241.
The State of Missouri has been granted more time to comply with stricter identification requirements under the Real ID Act. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security granted Missouri a grace period through January 21st, 2019. The current extension ends October 10th. During this grace period, federal agencies will accept Missouri-issued driver licenses and ID cards for official purposes, including domestic air travel. Missouri Department of Revenue officials expect the state to be compliant with the Real ID Act in March 2019.