News – Wednesday, November 27th 2024
The Board of Aldermen held their regular meeting yesterday evening at 6:00 in the auditorium. The session began with a public hearing regarding a utility committee recommendation to increase sewer fees for water meters three inches and larger, followed by a citizen’s concerns about a fire hydrant and a dilapidated house. Notable approvals included an $18,400 bid from Willard Asphalt for hot mix asphalt that will be used for street repairs and a $4.2 million bid from Midstate Pipeline Maintenance for the grant-funded Water Tower Project. The Board addressed multiple legislative items, including the first reading of Bill 3630 concerning sewer service fees, and approved second readings of bills 3631, 3632, and 3633 related to the water tower construction. They also reviewed and approved Bill 3634, which requested a change order for the Downtown Sidewalk Project, adding $1,943 in concrete work pending MoDOT approval. Additionally, the Board approved the sale of three vehicles from the Police Department through Purple Wave, with proceeds going to the General Fund. City officials provided various updates during their reports. Finance Director Stacy Houston discussed city finances, while City Administrator Sally Burbridge covered ongoing projects and announced BHMG Engineers will be making a presentation during the next Utility Committee meeting. Public Works Director Steve Paine reported on utility crew activities and reminded citizens that the proper procedure for reporting utility issues, within city limits, is contacting the administration office at 573-729-4811. The meeting concluded with several community announcements, including the upcoming Christmas Parade on December 7th and PJs and Pancakes event on December 14th. Former Alderwoman Kayla Sisco received an award for her service, and Alderman John Whelan promoted the ongoing Trees and Trains exhibit at the Ozark Natural & Cultural Resource Center. The meeting then adjourned to closed session.
The Dent County Commission met last Thursday morning at the courthouse for their regular meeting. In other business address late in the meeting, Alexander Construction Company talked with the commissioners about the roof repairs and the Christmas Lights. The commission awarded the roof repair bid to Trainer and Company, but the commissioners are still having trouble with the Christmas Lights. Alexander recommended to the commission to talk with the company and have their warranty begin from the date of November 21st as Alexander will no longer be responsible. He said the commissioners need to take pictures when there is a problem to send to the company. Alexander also talked about the vent that was damaged from the storm and water that is leaking through that. The commission approved Alexander repair the exterior vent damage. The commission talked with Curt Faigle from the 100-Acre Wood Rally which will be held March 14th and 15th. The only difference from last year’s rally is this year Dent County Road 5550 will be used. A landowner that lives on the road is a big supporter and loves the rally. The commissioners also discussed nominating a person for the CLERF Board. The commission nominated and approved adding Will Woolman to the board. The meeting was then adjourned. The commission will be meeting Monday morning at 9:00 at the courthouse and the meeting is open to the public.
The Creative Arts Center will hold a Flat Reed Basket Weaving class on Monday evening, December 2nd from 6:30-8:30 with Connie Light Come and make a white oak flat reed napkin basket! Basket will be approximately 8” square. You will finish the basket in class, so you can take it home that day. No prior knowledge is required. The class is appropriate for all those 14 and older. The cost of the class is $40 and all supplies are included. There must be two people sign up to hold the class and it will be limited at six. To sign up, go to the SACBA website, click on “Programs” link and then on the Creative Arts Center.
The Salem Area Chamber of Commerce and the City of Salem will hold the Christmas Parade of Lights in Salem on Saturday, December 7th starting at 6:00 with this year’s theme: “Have Your Elf a Merry Little Christmas.” This year’s Grand Marshalls will be Mike and Diane Godi. Entry forms are now available at the office of the Salem Area Chamber of Commerce in Salem. Forms need to be returned by December 2nd. If you have any questions, you can call the Chamber at 573-729-6900.