News – Tuesday, July 24th, 2018
The Dent County Commissioners met Monday morning at the Dent County Courthouse for their regular meeting. In the road report, District 1 Commissioner Dennis Purcell stated that he has a grader down with a water pump problem. He did say grading would be done on Dent County Road 5440, 5410 and 6660 while brush would be cut on county road 6080. Purcell said a man went to Springfield to get oil for chip and seal edge work that needs to be done. He also said the new graders the county ordered are to be delivered today at the shed. District 2 Commissioner Gary Larson said grading would be done on Dent County Road 5240 while most of the men will be working on building a new easement for the low water crossing on county road 5300. He said materials would be added to county road 5300 as well as county road 4020. Presiding Commissioner Darrell Skiles said he and Commissioners Larson and Purcell attended the pre-bid jail meeting Thursday and between 15 and 20 contractors showed up at the bank of Salem Courtesy Room. Dent County Clerk Angie Curley absentee voting continues in her office during regular business hours. She indicated sample ballots for the August Primary would be in the Salem News today and next Tuesday. She wanted to remind anyone who needs to update their voter information to contact her office at 729-4144 or stop by the courthouse. The next meeting of the commission will be Thursday morning at 9:00 at the courthouse and the meeting is open to the public.
The Salem R-80 Board of Education in closed session on Thursday voted hire Leannette Beeson as an assistant band director. The board then adjourned.
Dent County Health Center Board of Trustees met on Monday, July 16th at the health center. Administrator Kendra Mobray reported that an informational webinar about the PDMP with St Louis County Health Department was held Monday, June 25th at the Salem Community Center@The Armory. Several local healthcare providers and community leaders were in attendance. Most attendees gave positive feedback about joining the PDMP. Mobray went to report the outpatient lab services were provided to 44 clients in June and that Roma Jones has completed all initial lodging inspections. Roma also continues to work with DHSS and Dent County Prosecuting Attorney on two ongoing sewage violations. Mobray did say she has invited Tiffany Tuua from the, Comprehensive Tobacco Control Program to the next Healthy Dent County Prevention Coalition meeting July 26th. Tiffany will bring tobacco prevention program information to present to the coalition. Mobray indicated that several students have been in for their required school immunizations, and with school starting soon those students who still need immunizations need to get in before registration. Remember, Kindergartners must be up-to-date on immunizations to start school in August; 8th graders are required to have one dose of meningitis and one dose of Tdap; and seniors are required to have two doses of meningitis unless the first dose was administered to a student who was 16-years of age or older, in which case only one dose is required. At least one dose must be given after 16-years of age. The Dent County Health Center currently bills most insurance companies and offers state vaccine for uninsured, underinsured, and Medicaid clients. Vaccinations are available daily without an appointment. For additional questions, please call us today 729-3106. Mobray did report that there were six reports of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever investigated in the month of June, along with an ehrlichia chaffeensis, and one case of a foodborne illness. The meeting was then adjourned.
The 4-H and FFA Expo saw 66 head of market hogs and 14 breeding hogs exhibited during the Friday morning show. The eight market hog class winners were Dillon Fleener, Braiden Fleener, Allison Manthey, Shaylee Harrison, Preslie Strader, Wyatt Martin, Nathan Williams, and Kennedy Major. Judge Blake McDonald from Sullivan selected Wyatt Martin’s 273 pound barrow as Grand Champion Market Hog and Nathan William’s 298 pound hog as Reserve Champion. In the commercial breeding stock competition class winners were Bryce Martin’s February gilt, Wyatt Martin’s March gilt, and Bailey Martin’s January gilt. Bryce’s was awarded Grand Champion and Landon Cook’s gilt took Reserve Champion. Katarina Morris exhibited the Champion purebred duroc gilt. As usual the Showmanship competition was very competitive with Landon Cook winning the 8 to 12 year old Junior Division, Daylen Harrison won the Intermediate age group of 13 to 15 year olds, and Bailey Martin took the Seniors’ division for ages 16 to 19 year old. Champion and Reserve Champion plaques were awarded to these winners plus the following. Average Dailey Gain Championship went to Kylie Smith’s 347 pound hog with a daily gain of 2.43 pounds, while Austin Black’s took Reserve Champion with a daily gain of 2.36 pounds.