News – Friday, November 15th 2024
The Dent County Commissioners met for their regular meeting Thursday morning in the Dent County Courthouse. Keith Green and Jimmy Williams were in attendance. In the road report District One Commissioner Wes Mobray said his crews continue replacing culverts and patching Dent County Roads 2400 and 4080. He noted that county road 4210 is closed at the bridge, but residents on both sides have alternative ways to get out. Mobray said that the commissioners will be meeting with FEMA Monday the 18th and that pictures of damages have been sent to Grant Wilson to be forwarded to Congressman Jason Smith’s Washington Office. He said that Montauk is closed and all county roads leading in to Montauk have been closed. District Two Commissioner Gary Polk reported that his crew will be grading on Dent County Road 2120 and 4380, plus rock is being hauled to 4380. He added that rock is also being added to county road 2370. Presiding Commissioner Gary Larson reported that he would be going to St. James Thursday afternoon to re-evaluate the Ozarks Solid Waste Management District grant applications since they were not previously done according to DNR guidelines. He said he would also be attending the Phelps County Housing Authority meeting followed by the MRPC committee meetings and the board meeting. Dent County Clerk Angie Curley said her office is working on the budget, plus getting prepared for the April election and that candidate filings begin December 10th. She reported that she balanced with the Collector and Assessor on all collections, abatements, and add-ons for the month of October. Curley said she would be attending a Library Board meeting Thursday evening. She noted that the commissioners were approving bills for payment and that they need to approve the county’s health insurance application, which includes a slight increase in the amount the county pays on each employee to $907.86 per month. The application was approved by the commissioners 3-0. County Coroner Ben Pursiful stopped by so the commission could see the new truck which has now been outfitted with graphics, lights and siren. Commissioner Mobray expressed thanks to all the farmers and equipment operators that had pitched in with equipment to help get many roads back to passable after the flooding. He did say that those wanting to provide help should probably check with the commission before additional assistance is provided because FEMA will need to verify damages the county has sustained. Presiding Commissioner Larson complimented Mobray and Polk on their work and efforts following the flood, even though their terms are ending. There was extensive discussion between the commission, plus Green and Williams on road repair efforts, equipment, operations, budgets, etc. The next regular meeting of the commissioners will be Monday morning at 9:00 at the courthouse and the meeting will be open to the public.
The Dent County Fire Protection District Board of Directors met Tuesday evening at the fire station at #2 South Main Street. The board reviewed and approved minutes from the previous meeting. The financial report was reviewed with an ending balance of $191,520.59. All bills, payments, and statements were reviewed and approved. The budget was reviewed and approved as presented, plus it was noted that the 2025 budget is in the works. The monthly reimbursement report showed a total of 19 calls for the month of October bringing the total calls year to date to 218. Some of those calls included five fires, four accidents, two Hazmat, and two medical assists. In old business Chief Floyd said they’re still waiting on the AFG grant for radios to open up and he hoped they were still going to have the grants. The Board discussed the Bond/Tax Issue and decided to talk to the bonding company for ideas on how to go forward. In the Chiefs report to the Board, he stated that Steve Paine with the City of Salem stopped by to give an update on the Fire Hydrants. They are working now to test, paint and rebuild if necessary. Floyd noted that the roof is leaking, and he is looking into getting it repaired. He also reported that the radio FCC License has been renewed for another 10 years. The date was set for the December Board meeting for 6:00, Tuesday evening of the 10th at the Dent County Fire Station.
Attention deer hunters in Crawford County, the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) has an important update regarding Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) sampling this year. Due to flood conditions, the mandatory CWD sampling station at Huzzah Valley Resort in Steelville has been closed. However, hunters have two alternative options in Crawford County. The Cuba Knights of Columbus Hall at 7057 Old Route 66 in Cuba, and the Steelville Fire Protection District Station No. 2 at 20437 Highway 19 near Cherryville. Hunters in the CWD Management Zone counties can also take their deer to any other mandatory sampling station across the state. Remember, MDC requires mandatory CWD sampling of all deer harvested in the CWD Management Zone during the opening weekend of the November firearms season, which is November 16 and 17 this year. Hunters must present their deer at a sampling station on the same day they are harvested so biologists can collect tissue samples for testing. This data helps MDC track the extent of CWD, which has already been confirmed in several counties around the Ozarks. For a full list of mandatory CWD sampling station locations, visit the MDC website. Be sure to plan ahead and find a convenient station near you.