News – Friday, August 23rd 2024
The Dent County Commission met Thursday morning at the courthouse. Dent County Treasurer Denita Williams gave the the amount of CART funds received by the county in August. She said the county received $86,452.75 which is up $7,347.20 from the 2023 August figure, and up year-to-date, $29,663.64. In the road report, District 1 Commissioner Wes Mobray said rock would be added and grading done on Dent County Road 5615 while only grading would be done on county road 6520. Mobray said workers would also be changing the grader blade on Grader #39. District 2 Commissioner Gary Polk said rock would be added and patch grading done on Dent County Road 3180, while patching would be done on chip and seal county road 6150. He said workers would be replacing the idler pulley on county truck #75. Presiding Commissioner Gary Larson attended the tourism tax committee meeting Wednesday and reported a submission by SACBA was reduced and then approved, three applications were tabled for more information, and there was a reimbursement to the Salem Area Chamber of Commerce. The Cliftons from Dent County Road 4020 in the Sligo area were in to ask if something could be done to alleviate the water from crossing over the road about two miles down from Route TT. Commissioner Polk said he would check the situation out with the road supervisor to see what could be done. Dent County Clerk Angie Curley wanted to remind all political subdivisions to get their tax rate information to her office by next week. The next meeting of the commissioners will be Monday morning at 9:00 and the meeting is open to the public.
The Dent County Commissioners held their 2024 tax rate hearing Thursday morning at 10:00 at the courthouse. Amanda Sapaugh was present at the public hearing. The General Revenue tax rate for 2023 was $0.0003 per $100 assessed valuation which came about due to the improper collection of sales taxes that had to be paid back. The commissioners approved the new rate for 2024 of $0.0171 per $100 assessed valuation. Amanda Sapaugh representing the SB 40 Board was in attendance and said their board wanted to keep their tax rate at $0.1341 per $100 assessed valuation as recommended by the state auditor’s office. The rate was approved by the commission. The Road and Bridge Fund tax rate last year was 25.50 cents per $100 assessed valuation and the commission approved leaving it the same at 25.50 cents per $100 assessed valuation for 2024. The Senior Citizen Service Fund tax rate for 2023 came in at 4.80 cents per $100 assessed valuation. Since that rate is the maximum allowed by the state auditor’s office, the commission approved the 4.80 cents per $100 assessed valuation for 2024. The hearing was then adjourned.
An accident occurred Wednesday morning in Crawford County at 11:03 on Possum Hollow Road 7 miles south of Bourbon. According to the Highway Patrol report a westbound 2024 Polaris Sportsman, operated by a 15-year-old female juvenile from Bourbon, went off the right side of the roadway, overcorrected, and overturned. A passenger, a 13-year-old female juvenile who was also from Bourbon, suffered serious injuries and was transported to Cardinal Glennon Hospital by Air Evac 8. The driver suffered moderate injuries and was transported to St. Louis Children’s by Mercy Life Line 2. The report stated that neither occupant of the Polaris was wearing safety equipment. The Polaris sustained moderate damage and was driven from the scene.
Do you know of a child in need between the ages of 3 and 17 that does not have a bed? “Sleep in Heavenly Peace” is an international non-profit 501(C).(3) organization that builds, assembles and delivers new beds to children in need, who do not have a bed. Anyone can apply for the child on the website. Would you like to join their team of volunteers? You’re invited to attend the next Salem and Dent County meeting of “Sleep in Heavenly Peace” Monday afternoon, August 26th, at 5:30 in the evening at the Salem Community Center@The Armory! The Rolla Chapter of Sleep in Heavenly Peace is already helping to provide new beds to children in need in our Salem community, and efforts are underway to start a Dent County Chapter. For more information about Sleep in Heavenly Peace, contact Patti at 703-964-6495. You can also e-mail Patti at
Missouri’s state parks and historic sites offer beautiful vistas, opportunities for outdoor adventures and peaceful spots for reflection. As you spend time at Missouri state parks, take along your camera and submit your favorite photos in the Missouri DNR Photo Contest. The annual contest is open now through September 1st and includes three categories. The natural resources category includes photographs of Missouri’s air, landscapes, and waterways. The category of unique places includes photographs taken within one of Missouri’s state parks or historic sites. The third and final category includes people enjoying and exploring Missouri’s outdoors. Winning photos will be shared on the Missouri Department of Natural Resources website, on social media and showcased at the following year’s Missouri State Fair. For contest rules and to enter your photos, visit You can also email questions about the photo contest to Missouri State Parks is a division of the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.