News – Friday, August 11, 2017

The Dent County Commission met Thursday morning at the Dent County Courthouse for their regular meeting. Dent County Treasurer Denita Williams brought to the commission the sales tax receipts for the month of August and the General revenue Fund received $62,597.10 which is more than last August when the county received $58,701.64. Year-to date for 2017, sales taxes receipts are up just $15.46. Williams also reported the sales tax receipts for the Road and Bridge Department in August were $31,008.80 which is more than last year’s figure of $27,567.95. So far year-to date, the sales taxes on Road and Bridge are up about 1.4%. She also said the Law Enforcement Sales Tax receipts are virtually the same as the General Revenue Fund receipts. Williams said Dent County also received interest from the State of Missouri and these funds are disbursed to the county about every 8 years. A total of $543.14 was sent and it was divided up with General Revenue getting $220.83, the Law Enforcement Fund gets $220.82 while the road and Bridge will get $101.49. In the road report, District 1 Commissioner Dennis Purcell said materials would be added and grading would be done on Dent County Road 6640, while only grading was going to be done on county roads 6575, 6595, 6630 and 6665 and if time permits, county road 6610. He said another crew is repairing the chip and seal on Dent County Road 4210. District 2 Commissioner Gary Larson stated materials were being added and grading was being done on Dent County Road 2340 while only grading was being done on county road 2200. Larson mentioned brush was being cut on county road 3290. Presiding Commissioner Darrell Skiles said he was going to attend the MRPC TAC meeting Thursday afternoon, followed by an MRPC committee meeting and then the MRPC Board meeting. Steve Davis with Shive-Hattery and Nick Smith with Septagone Construction Management along with Sheriff Bob Wells were in to update the commission on some of their findings and possible new jail scenarios for the commission to consider. The next meeting of the Dent County Commissioners will be Monday morning at 9:00 at the courthouse and the meeting is open to the public.

The Missouri State Highway Patrol has releases a couple of arrest reports. The first was 27-year old Ricky Feary of Salem who was arrested on Tuesday, August 8th for a DWI, failure to drive on the right side of the roadway involving a crash and also for not having insurance. Feary was held in the Dent County Jail but has since been released. The second incident was in Phelps County at 3:45 Wednesday, August 9th when 38-year old Sarah McGraw was arrested for felony assault of a law enforcement officer in the 3rd degree, resisting arrest and not wearing a seatbelt. She was placed in the Phelps County Jail on a 24-hour hold.

As the new school year begins, an open house will be conducted for William Lynch Elementary on Monday August 14th from 5:30-6:30, and that same evening at the Upper Elementary from 6:30-7:30. The open house at the High School will be on Tuesday, August 15th from 4:30-6:00 followed by the open house at the Middle School from 6:00-7:30.

The Missouri State Highway Patrol reminds drivers that many schools throughout the state are starting the 2017-2018 school year. This brings a change in traffic patterns ─ school buses and parents taking their children to school will join other motorists on the road and affect the morning and afternoon commute. It is critical for drivers to be alert, especially near school zones, playgrounds, and bicycle paths. Whatever route you drive, expect this additional traffic and prepare by allowing extra time to reach your destination. Most traffic crashes involving young drivers (under the age of 21) in 2016 occurred between 3 p.m. and 4 p.m., when school typically lets out. Drivers need to be aware of the increased traffic during this time—not just in areas around school, but all around town. Many of these drivers are young and inexperienced. Parents: It is important to encourage those young drivers to remember driving is a full-time job. Using a cell phone, texting, or adjusting the radio can be the distraction that leads to a traffic crash. Texting is against the law for anyone under the age of 22. Missouri law states that on a two-lane road, if a school bus is stopped and displaying warning signals while loading or unloading children, drivers must stop when meeting and following the bus. However, it is only necessary to stop on a four-lane highway when following the bus. Drivers, when you see a stopped school bus, stay alert and follow the law. Children may not be aware of traffic and dart unexpectedly into the roadway. In 2016, one person was killed and 389 people were injured in school bus crashes. Missouri experienced 974 traffic crashes involving school buses last year. Parents are encouraged to talk to their children about riding a bus, walking, or driving to school in a safe manner. If they ride a bike, please make sure they wear a helmet and follow traffic laws. Let’s help Missouri students return to school safely.

The Ozark Rivers Solid Waste Management District (ORSWMD) wants the public to know that you can take a stand for your land and combat illegal dumping. Late fall and late winter are the best times for identifying illegal dumps and they encourage anyone to report illegal dumping activities. The Ozark Rivers Solid Waste Management District (ORSWMD) provides surveillance camera services as a courtesy to cities and communities. To make a request, contact Jill Hollowell at the Meramac Regional Planning Commission by calling (573) 265-2993. This project is funded by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.