Local News – Wednesday, September 14th, 2022
The Salem Memorial District hospital board of directors will be holding a special meeting this afternoon beginning at 4:00. The meeting will take place in the hospital library and may be fully conducted and attended by telephone or other electronic means. The public may observe and attend any portion of the meeting not closed to the public. Anyone that would like to attend by telephone or electronic means should contact the SMDH administration office at 573-729-6626, extension 4005 to obtain access information. After the roll call will be a discussion of a resolution of the Salem Memorial Hospital District to establish a procedure to disclose potential conflicts of interest and substantial interests for certain officials before adjournment. The public is also welcome to attend
The City of Salem’s Utility Committee will hold a meeting this evening, at 6:00 at the Salem Community Center @ The Armory, 1200 W. Rolla Road. After reviewing the previous month financials, the utility committee will review water main breaks and replacement electric poles and discuss the Excelleron demonstration scheduled for Wednesday, September 21st. Also, up for discussion will be net metering as related to residential solar installations along with a review of budget billing policies and a review of trash service rates and a planned increase before adjourning. The meeting was called by Chairman Kyle Williams and it is open to the public.
Telephone service is essential to staying connected with family and friends, seeking emergency and government services as well as community resources. The Lifeline Program can provide discounts, helping eligible low-income customers access broadband and phone services. The Missouri Public Service Commission joins a national effort in observing National Telephone Discount Lifeline Awareness Week. This week has been designated to promote the Lifeline Program. Helping people stay connected is an important part of the Lifeline Program. For eligible low-income customers, it can help with trying to find a job, getting assistance in an emergency, access to health care services, or staying in touch with family and friends. Funding for the Lifeline Program is primarily from the federal Universal Service Fund, but additional funding may also be provided by the Missouri Universal Service Fund. Missouri also has a separate program for eligible disabled customers. The overall monthly discount can be as much as $24.00 for landline Lifeline service if it includes voice service. The Lifeline or disabled discount is limited to one per household. A household cannot receive discounts for multiple wireless phones or from multiple telephone providers. Customers may be eligible for assistance if their annual household income level is at or below 135 percent of the federal poverty level or if a member of the household participates in any of these programs: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or SNAP, formerly known as Food Stamps, MOHealthnet or Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income; Federal Public Housing Assistance, Veterans and Survivors Pension Benefit; or certain disability benefits. Call your local telephone provider to see if it provides Lifeline service and if you qualify for that service or visit www.lifelinesupport.org.
Users of public transportation in the Meramec Region (Crawford, Dent, Maries, Osage, Phelps, Pulaski and Washington counties and their respective cities) are being asked to help update the region’s transit plan by completing a short survey. The region’s public transportation plan was initially created in 2008, and Meramec Regional Planning Commission (MRPC) has been contracted by the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) to update the original plan every five years. The last plan was created in 2018 and expires in February 2023. The plan identifies transit needs of individuals with disabilities, older adults and people with low incomes and then provides strategies for meeting those needs. One tool used to determine those needs is a survey that is available on the MRPC website, https://www.meramecregion.org/surveys/. Users of the transit system and those with transit needs are encouraged to complete the survey by September 26th, 2022, at 5:00, as their input is an important part in reshaping this plan. Paper versions of the survey are also available at senior centers in the region or by calling MRPC at 573-265-2993. A separate survey was sent to providers of public transportation in the region. All completed surveys from the public are anonymous. Once surveys have been completed, MRPC staff and the plan’s advisory committee will meet in late 2022 to examine the results and prioritize needs. In January 2023, the plan will be available for public review and will be presented to the MRPC Board in February 2023 for adoption. To keep up with the latest MRPC news and events, visit the MRPC website at www.meramecregion.org or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/meramecregion/.
The Salem R-80 Board of Education will hold their regular meeting Thursday evening at 5:30 in the Salem R-80 board room. After approval of previous minutes, the board is expected to approve bills, the food service report, attendance report, and substitute list, and evaluations of safety, transportation, and extra-curricular activities. The board will then hear communications from Sherman Odom followed by the superintendent reports presented by Dr. Lynn Reed and Dr. Wills, which will be followed by administration reports from William Lynch, the upper elementary, middle school, senior high, special education, and athletics and activities director. New business will include the construction trades program RFQ, and approval of the revised policy of GCBDA, and approval of Matt Patterson as architect for the initial drawings for the new elementary school, approve the special education compliance plan, and approve the bus routes, before discussing repairs to be done at the softball field. The board will then hear resignations, if any, before adjourning and moving into executive closed session. The meeting Thursday evening will be open to the public.