Local News – Wednesday, September 13th, 2023
The Salem Board of Aldermen held their regular meeting at the City Hall Council Chambers. Board President Shawn Bolerjack presided over the meeting since the Mayor was not in attendance. In the hearing of persons, John Hambacker and Jay Anderson talked about their suggestions to upgrade signage, add plant identification and benches to the railroad walking trail. Since the trail is maintained by the Park and Recreation Department, the Aldermen suggested they present their ideas to this board first. Debbie Murphy talked about ways the board could better communicate with citizens. She is concerned that for citizens to speak at a meeting they must get on the agenda on the Wednesday before the next Tuesday’s meeting when the agenda for the meeting isn’t posted until 24 hours before the meeting. She suggested that instead of having citizens complete a form to get on the agenda, that the board allow for an open comment period at each meeting. She also suggested that the City utilize TownScreen to promote events as well as meeting notices. In New Business, the board approved to purchase a new air conditioning unit for the wastewater treatment facility from Ice Qube, Inc. for $5,410. They also approved the increase in supply costs for the Al Brown Field lighting project for $18,331.57 from Butler Supply, and approved the purchase of salt for the street department for a total of $7,043.25 from Compass Minerals. City Clerk Tammy Koller gave the first reading of Bill #3573 authorizing the mayor to sign an agreement between the City of Salem and Buildtec Construction, LLC to build six T-hangers at the Salem Airport. With the adoption of the City’s current budget, changes were made to the process for funding community support. The board heard from the Dent County Extension asking for $5,800 to fund their 4-H program and the Salem Area Community Betterment Association asked for $5,000 for their beautification committee. Both organizations were approved for funding. The board also approved Resolution 28-2023 for the yearly membership cost for the Meramec Region Planning Commission for $3,306.45. The board approved several bills dealing with the rezoning on Babb Lane from commercial to manufacturing- industrial. They include 1101 Babb Lane owned by MFA, 1200 Babb Lane owned by Peggy Whitaker Trust, 1207 Babb Lane owned by BKC Properties, 1400 Babb Lane owned by City of Salem. Due to a conflict of interest by Alderwoman Sisco, the properties located at 1301 Babb Lane, 1209 Babb Lane and 1203 Babb Lane were tabled for a future meeting when a quorum is present. The board approved Bill No. 3569 to rezone all of lot 4 block A of the Oak Park Addition from residential to commercial. This is property owned by South Central Missouri Community Health Center. Approval was also given to Bill No 3570 to amend the sewer installation hook up fees for a four-inch line as the new cost will be $1,536 and for a six-inch line, the new cost will be $1,648. Bill No 3571 was approved that amended the water hook up fees. For a 3/4 inch line, the new cost would be $2,030; for a 1 inch line, the new cost is $2,730; for a 2 inch line, the new cost is $5,216 and for a 2 inch line with a compound meter, the new cost is $5,415. The board approved Bill No 3572 that adds electric fees to city codes to keep all utility fees with the same enforcement ability. A person obtaining a dawn to dusk light or a utility pole will pay the cost of these items, plus two hours labor for two electric utility staff and two hours of equipment usage for each pole. City Administrator Burbridge reported that the City Wide Yard Sale will be held on Saturday, October 7th with spots being available to rent at the city administration building. Alderman Sisco reported that a Park and Recreation Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 19 at 5:30 pm at the Salem Community Center @ the Armory. She also asked that anyone interested in serving on the Community Service Committee to work on plans for the Fourth of July celebration to please contact the city. Alderman Williams reported he has been in contact with the MRPC regarding a Transportation System in Dent County as well as regarding recycling programs and grants. The board then went into closed session.
Missouri State Park representatives will be on hand to provide information and answer questions that the public may have during a series of open houses and town hall meetings to be held this month at state parks and historic sites throughout the state. In our area, an open house will be held at Dillard Mill State Historic Site beginning at 1:00 at the mill located at 142 Dillard Mill Road near Davisville this Saturday. Input from the public is important to Missouri State Parks. These informational meetings are being held virtually or in-person in all state parks and historic sites to help create two-way communication with the public. The meetings will inform the public on the current status and future plans for the park or historic site and offer visitors the opportunity to comment on the facilities. For more information on public meetings, visit mostateparks.com.
The City of Salem’s Utility Committee will meet tonight at 6:15 at the Salem Community Center @ The Armory. Reports and updates will be heard including financials, utility billing and payments, and information from Missouri Public Utility Alliance (MPUA). Information will be shared about the MPUA Annual Conference that will be held September 27-29, the Mid-Missouri Power Energy Pool (MMMPEP) Committee-Plum Point Participants Meeting to be held November 1st, and MMMPEP Committee Meeting to be held November 2nd. A Water Testing Quote and outside the city utilities will be addressed, followed by a question and comment period. The meeting of the City of Salem’s Utility Committee, which is open to the public, has been called by Committee Chair Kyle Williams.