Local News – Wednesday, October 23rd, 2019
The Dent County Outreach Office of the Russell House will be hosting their quarterly Coordinated Community Response meeting on Monday, October 28th from noon until 1:00. The meeting will be at the Judicial Building at 112 East Fifth Street in Salem upstairs in the conference room. Lunch will be provided at no cost to you or your organization. The presenter and guest speaker for this quarter is Ms. Chris Gansemer, with the Lake of the Ozarks Stop Human Trafficking Coalition in Camdenton, MO who will speak on Human Trafficking. If you have plan on attending, contact Teresa Sellers as soon as you possibly can at the office at 573-729-4774 or on her cell at 573-578-3586 or email her at tsellers@pcfcs.org.
The Dent County Health Center Board of Trustees met October 17th at the Health Center. Administrator Kendra Mobray reported that outpatient lab services were provided for 95 clients in September. She also noted that construction repairs to the east end of the building were nearing completion. Mobray said Roma Jones and Chrysta Hinderliter attended breastfeeding peer counselor training in early October. She also stated that she and Jennifer Roderman would be attending SEMA POD (Points of Dispensing) training in November. Mobray said that Flu shots continue to be available at the Health Center on a walk-in basis with Flulaval, for ages 6 months and up; Flublock, for those with egg allergies; and High Dose Fluzone for ages 65 and up. The Health Center is able to bill private insurance and child Medicaid. Mobray went on to say that Flu shots are $37.00 for adults who are uninsured, plus if places of business or job sites are interested in holding Flu shot clinics they should contact the Dent County Health Center at 573-729-3106. She reported that Flu Clinics were held at Salem R-80, North Wood R-IV and the Salem Senior Center. The Health Center reported three cases of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, 1 Cryptosporidiosis in September, plus investigated two animal bites. Pursuant to Section 610.021 of the Missouri Statutes the Board went in to closed session. Upon returning to open session DCHC expenses for September were approved and the next regular board meeting was set for November 21st at 5:00.
An accident occurred Tuesday morning at 2:55 in Newton County on southbound I-49 five miles south of Joplin that left a Salem man with minor injuries. According to the highway patrol report, a 2005 Chevrolet Cobalt, driven by 34-year-old Benjamin Wehmeyer of Salem, struck a deer in the roadway. Wehmeyer lost control of the Chevrolet and it was struck by a 2014 Mack Truck, driven by Matthew Spellman of Springfield. The report stated that Wehmeyer and a passenger in the Chevrolet, 37-year-old Anjel Jarman of Joplin, suffered minor injuries and were transported to Mercy Hospital in Joplin. According to the report, neither Wehmeyer or Jarman were not wearing seat restraints at the time of the accident, while Spellman was. The Chevrolet sustained extensive damage and was removed from the scene by Chuck’s Towing. The Mack Truck sustained moderate damage and was removed from the scene by M and M Wrecker.
The Salem Memorial District Hospital annual audit report was given at their regular board meeting held Tuesday evening in the Hospital Library. Jean Nyberg of BKD CPA’s and Advisors discussed the audit with the board. She said there was a tremendous increase in the net patient service revenue of almost 2.9 million dollars which came to about a 14% increase, but that increase in revenue also created a significant increase in accounts receivable and the related bad debt provision. The internal accounting excess of revenues over expenses came in at $2,596,642 for the fiscal year, but the auditors found an adjustment for the receipt of a pledged receivable of $152,879, an adjustment for a physician’s note receivable of over $63,000, and a substantial adjustment of the hospital and clinic allowances that came to over $2.8 million dollars. Nyberg also said the cash account went down due to the high account receivable due and payment of the additional expenses, especially agency personnel associated with the increase in patient admissions. That decrease in cash was over 1.6 million dollars while patient net account receivable went up $999,374. The revised statement of operations for the year showed total operating revenues of $24,998,086 with operating expenses of $25,833,638 that showed a loss from operations of $835,552. After tax revenues of $556,309 were added back, the hospital showed a decrease in their net position of $279,243. As has been the case for some years, the hospital’s debt to capitalization is outstanding at only 5.3%, while the net operating margin sunk to a negative 3.3% with a total margin of negative 1.1%. Nyberg went over some accounting changes that may take place next year on valuing fiduciary duties and leases, and for the hospital administration to keep an eye on Medicare and Medicaid changes that could affect reimbursement. Nyberg said BKD provided the hospital an unmodified opinion which is the best that can be given.
The October exhibit at the Ozark National Cultural Resource Center will be centered around Sasquatch or Big Foot. This exhibit will continue through November 1st. The exhibit will feature a life size rendering of Big Foot in his habitat, photos of sightings, as well as newspaper accounts of Sasquatch sightings in Missouri. The ONCRC located at 202 South Main Street will be open Monday through Friday from 9:00 in the morning until 5:00 in the afternoon. If you need more information, call 729-0029.