Local News – Wednesday, November 23rd, 2022
Everyone at KSMO Radio and Your World Today want to wish your family a Happy Thanksgiving. Because of the holiday, Your World Today will NOT be published again until Monday, November 28th. Have a safe holiday!
The Salvation Army Dent County Service Unit volunteer bell ringers will begin raising funds for those in need at Country Mart and Wal-Mart around the familiar red kettle today, and then every Friday and Saturday through Christmas Eve. Counter kettles will also be located at various locations throughout the community. The kettles are the primary way funds are raised locally to continue to meet the needs of the less fortunate in our community. For those who do not want to handle cash, you can donate digitally with Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal, and Venmo at any Red Kettle across the country. Every donation helps hope march on for those in need, and all gifts stay within the community in which they are given. If you would like to volunteer to ring the famous Salvation Army bell, please call Susie at 729-6771 or 247-7099. You can also call the Salvation Army Dent County Service Unit office at 729-8163. Don’t forget the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree and Dent County Toy Drive signup on Monday, November 28th from 3:30 to 5:30 at the Salem Community Center@The Armory at 1200 West Rolla Road.
The Salem Board of Aldermen met Tuesday evening in the City Hall Council Chambers. After the consent agenda was approved, the Board approved a bid from BCS Electric for installation of field lights on the poles at the Al Brown field for a total of $41,760.88. These funds will come from the Energy Savings Program (ESP). The board got a financial update from Stacey Houston. The report ending October 31st showed sales tax revenue for general fund of $622,950, for Park and Rec a total of $233,602 and for Capital Improvements a total of $311,475. Electric sales revenue totaled $2,388,950 with the cost to purchase power totaled $1,688,768. Water sales revenue totaled $339,698 and Sewer sales revenue totaled $299,925. The board approved a bid from Fletcher Reinhart for $13,147.58 for the electric materials that will be installed at Al Brown Field. Resolution #41-2022 for the city to conduct a municipal election on April 4, 2023, to elect one East Ward and one West Ward Alderman was approved. The opening date for anyone wishing to file as a candidate is December 6th and the last day to file will be December 27th. The board approved Resolution #42-2022 for a change order for $2,416 to a home located at 501 S. Hickory Street as part of the Welcome Home Program. They also approved Resolution #43-20922 for a change order for $663 to a home located at 810 E. Jack Street. The board approved Resolution #44-2022 to submit a grant application to DED’s Community Revitalization Grant to extend the current TAP grant project that includes removal and replacement of non-ADA compliant sidewalks serving downtown businesses along 4th Street and installing historic replica lighting. TAP grant funds have been secured that include the south side of 4th Street between Highway 19 and Iron Street and both sides of 4th Street from Highway 19 to Washington Street. The new grant will seek grant funds to extend the area from McArthur Street to the Courthouse and eastward to Pershing Street. The $396,320 TAP grant funds plus the City’s local match of $99,080 will be leveraged as a match for the grant application. The board tabled Resolution #46-2022, a resolution amending the employee sick leave policy. Temporary City Administrator Sally Burbridge reported that she is working with downtown business owners to seek right of way permissions to begin the downtown project. Public Works Director Mark Nash said the fuel tank cleaning at the airport is completed, the city is waiting on the card reader before getting fuel in the tank. Mayor Parker reported that the city offices will be closed Thursday and Friday for the Thanksgiving holiday. The Chamber of Commerce Parade will be held on Saturday, December 3rd beginning at 5:30 pm. His Place is offering a free Thanksgiving Dinner on Thursday, both dine in and curbside pickup. Alderman Bolerjack thanked everyone that participated, sponsored and the organizers for another great Heroes Marathon last weekend. The Salvation Army is seeking bell ringers and volunteers can go to www.registertoring.com to sign up. He announced that he will be seeking re-election as East Ward Alderman in the upcoming municipal election. Alderman Williams thanks the city staff for their work on securing the nearly $8.8 million in grants for the city’s water system. Alderman Duncan reported that she will also be seeking election as West Ward Alderwoman. The board then went into closed session.