Local News – Wednesday, May 3rd, 2023
At the Salem High School Baseball Field Tuesday night between the Salem varsity and JV baseball games, KSMO General Manager Stan Podorski was honored for broadcasting Salem Tiger sports since 1984 including football, baseball, volleyball, softball and basketball as well as hosting numerous local fundraising events, serving on a number of civic boards and volunteering his services for numerous community projects. He received a home plate plaque from the Salem High School 2023 Baseball team, gift cards from the Salem High School Cheerleaders, a proclamation from City of Salem Alderman Shawn Bolerjack and will also be receiving a proclamation for his many years of community service from State Representative Ron Copeland who could not make it to the event. Podorski, who was taken totally by surprise by the event, shook hands with the entire baseball team as well as a those friends, civic leaders, parents, coaches, and a long line of well wishers who attended the game. Podorski was visibly touched by the community support thanking all those who made the event possible. Podorski starting calling Salem Tiger Football games for KSMO Radio in 1984, added boys basketball to his resume in 1986, added select girls basketball in 1989, then started calling baseball games and volleyball in the mid 90’s, and softball in the 2000’s.
The City of Salem held a joint Finance and Capital Improvements Committee meeting on Monday evening at the Salem Community Center @ the Armory. Finance Director Stacey Houston reviewed the financial statements for the third quarter of the fiscal year. Fund balances began the fiscal year at $5,321,805 and the balance to date is $7,350,656. Sales Tax Revenue in the General Revenue Fund through April is $1,276,912, which is 8% over last year’s totals. The Park and Recreation sales tax revenue is $478,828 and Capital Improvements sales tax is $638,457. General Fund revenues totaled $2,243,028 with expenditures at $2,103,784 and the fund is expected to end the year with a balance of $318,188 after transferring in from the electric fund $977,396 and transferring out to other departments $285,233. The Park and Recreation budget is projected to end the year with $37,689; the Capital Improvements Fund is projected to end with $200,042, and the Electric Fund is projected to end the year with $143,155. The Electric Funds including the Electric Reserve and Electric D&R Funds are projected to end the year with a balance of $737,310 while the all the Sewer Funds including the Sewer Reserve and Sewer D&R Fund balances are projected to be $486,709 at the end of the fiscal year. Houston also updated the group on several grant projects including the $3.7 million Drinking Water grant for a new well and well house. Archer Elgin Engineering is currently proceeding with this project. The City is currently getting easements for the Downtown Sidewalk TAP Grant Project from business owners and this project must be out for bid by August 1st. The Sewer Bond project and Lead Service Line Project are proceeding with Missouri Department of Natural Resouces guidance. Additional committee meetings will be held in the next few months to work on the 2023-2024 proposed budget that will need to be approved by the Board of Alderman before July 1st.
The Salem Senior Center will be hosting a Trivia Night Fundraiser and Silent Auction on May 13th at the Salem Community Center @ The Armory at 6:30. There will be 10 rounds of 10 questions and the cost for a table of six people is $100 or come as an individual and pay $20 per person. The winner gets $300 and 2nd place will receive $200. Concessions will be available and there will be mulligans sold but only for cash! This is an adult only venue and to register a team, sponsor a round or to donate to the silent auction, contact Jody Schaefer at 729-2373 or email her at jschaefer@agingbest.org. The doors will open at 5:45. This is your chance to support our Salem Senior Center who each year serves almost 20,000 meals at the center and delivers another 36,000 to homebound seniors in Salem and Dent County. The Salem Senior Center provides social activities, educational speakers and provides other important services for local seniors. Last year they also provided the free lunch program for school aged children during the summer. Any age is welcome to eat at the Salem Nutrition Site inside the Salem Senior Center with a cost of $7.00 per meal for those under 60-years of age, and a suggested contribution of $5.00 for those 60 and over. Enter your team today and help support a great service to our community.