Local News – Wednesday, May 19th, 2021
Monday evening Shawn Bolerjack, Chairman of the City of Salem Utility Committee, called the Committee meeting to order. Tammy Walker of Heartland Metal spoke requesting research be done to determine what Heartland’s high water consumption discount is. She noted that the rate is needed for future operations and planning. The discount incentive on electric usage from February 8th through May 15th for customers paying their bill in full with no prior balance due was discussed. The Committee decided to recommend to the Board of Aldermen a 5% discount credit for customers electing to pay using option #1. A sample bill for February 8th through May 15th and an informational letter were discussed. During the fiscal update of utilities City Administrator Ray Walden reported that revenue received for electricity usage was $3,563,525, which is about 65% of the 5.5 million that was budgeted. He went on to report that water revenue was at $641,243, which is 80% of the $800,000 budgeted and that sewage revenue was at $610,886, which is 76% of the $800,000 that was budgeted. Some discussion was held on higher utility bills with the new meters. Administrator Walden noted that the City can have meters tested by an independent agency and if they are faulty the City pays for the testing and adjusts the bill. If the meter is accurate the customer is responsible for the cost of the test and their utility bill amount. The Utility Committee meeting was followed by the Salem Board of Aldermen meeting. In the Hearing of Persons Skip Dahms of 404 West Fourth will be conducting a kids’ festival June 12th and requested that Fourth Street between Henderson and McArthur be blocked off from 12 noon until 4:00. His request was approved by the Board of Aldermen. Police Chief Joe Chase presented information about the cost of renovation of the Police Department Dispatch Center. Chase listed several reasons for the renovation including safety, security, and meeting state and federal requirements for privacy. The renovation cost of $26,492.01 was approved by the Board. Public Works Director Mark Nash presented the bids for undercarriage repair of the 555G John Deere crawler. The bids were for $9,859.78 by Woolf Equipment and $12,441.12 by Erb Equipment. The Board of Alderman approved the bid by Woolf Equipment. Bill #3477, an ordinance authorizing the Mayor to sign and execute task order No. 10 pertaining to an agreement between the City of Salem and C. M. Archer Group, P.C. dated February 3, 2020 for engineering design services related to Phase 2 Improvements at the Waste Water Treatment Facility was approved. Resolution No. 16-2021 adopting a policy based on Utility Committee recommendations to rebate 5% of the stated electric usage billed from February 8, 2021 through May 15, 2021 and processed as a credit to customers’ accounts passed 4-0. City Administrator Ray Walden reported that the January through February utility bills had gone out and that the next bill will be for February 15th through May 15th and is to be mailed June 1st. He noted that correspondence approved by the Utility Committee and the Board of Aldermen would be sent to customers this week. Walden reported on total Sales Tax receipts with one more month to go in the fiscal year. The General Fund receipts were $1,146,633 and $1,012,071 was the budgeted amount. The Parks and Recreation Fund receipts are $392,568 with $375,000 budgeted and the Capital Improvements Sales Tax receipts to date are $523,317 with $500,000 being the budgeted amount. Walden also reported the Utility Revenue amounts that were shared at the Utility Committee meeting. Alderman Bolerjack asked about the Job Posting for City Clerk. Walden said that the recruiter received 13 applications in the first search round. Screenings are scheduled for the 2nd round and interviews will follow that. He said applications were submitted from local individuals, from across the state, and even out of state. Alderman Parker asked about progress on the digger truck. Mark Nash said the truck is supposed to be in this week. Alderman Nash asked about progress on Al Brown Fields. Walden said the issue would be considered by the Capital Improvements Committee. Mayor Nash’s appointment of Brett Capps to the Salem Public Library Board was approved by the Aldermen. The Aldermen voted to go into closed session and the meeting was adjourned.
Grace Harbor Homeless Shelter will be having a benefit fundraiser concert on Saturday, May 22nd, at the Salem Methodist Church, 801 East Scenic Rivers Boulevard. The Concert will kick off Saturday afternoon at 5:30 with Bill Bryant and Friends sharing Bluegrass and Gospel music. Bryant and his group will be followed by Collin Nash at 7:00. Nash will sing several country selections during his concert. Tickets for the Concert can be purchased in advance and are $20.00 per person or $35.00 per couple. Tickets during the day of the Concert are $25.00 per person. Advance tickets may be purchased by contacting Kathy Bryant at 739-9163 or Jenny Summers at 247-7062. Since the event is a fundraiser there are no refunds rain or shine. All proceeds go to Grace Harbor Homeless Shelter. Please keep in mind that no smoking, vaping, drugs or alcohol are allowed on the grounds of the Salem Methodist Church.