Local News – Wednesday, May 11th, 2022
Parks and Recreation board president Greg Sanders has called for a meeting of the board for this evening at 5:30 at the Salem Community Center @ at the Armory located at 1200 West Rolla Road. After the roll call and approval of the minutes from the April 20th meeting, the park and recreation budget will then be reviewed. Also on the agenda will be discussion of the opening date, times, and fees for the Alice Lou Craig city pool and with sports participation fees before the board closes and adjourns the open portion of the meeting. The board may then vote to go into closed session.
The Salem Board of Aldermen met Tuesday evening in the City Hall Council Chambers. After approval of the consent agenda, the board approved Resolution #15-2022 to authorize the mayor to sign an agreement with the Dent County Commons for the 2022 Fourth of July Fireworks Display at a cost of $1,600. Alderman Kinerk questioned the fee if the city workers are mowing the grass as well. City Administrator Ray Walden will negotiate the contract next year to include the Commons taking care of the mowing. Discussion was tabled for Bill Number 3505, an ordinance amending Chapter 115, Article 22, Section 115.160 that deals with staffing needs that may arise in relation to the position of City Clerk. City Attorney Weber has several edits to make regarding this Bill. Resolution 16-2022 authorizing the mayor to sign an agreement with Meramec Regional Planning Commission for an updated zoning map at the budgeted amount of no more than $10,000 was approved. The last city map was done in 1987. Park and Recreation Director Melissa Dubois presented a request to update the Disc Golf Course at the city park. Several baskets need to be relocated after the addition of Billy’s Playground. The Aldermen approved using Capital Improvement funds for cost of $3,089. The Summer Park program will be held from July 11-22 at a cost of $200 per child with a max of 25 children participating. The Ozark Actors Theater will host a Kids Camp at the Civic Theater at a cost of $150 for the week-long camp. Don Harkey with People Centric Consulting updated the board on their work with the employee manual updates and strategic planning. The new manual is complete and being reviewed by lawyers and will be presented at a future board meeting for approval. He reminded the board of the four Key Objectives of the Strategic Plan: 1. Enhance the “employer of choice” status that the city has; 2. Improve communications and engagement with citizens; 3. Continue to develop strong community partnerships; and 4. Create a long-term vision for the Salem community. Walden reported that the Spring clean-up continues this week and next week. Healthy Dent County had 5,695 participants in March and 5,885 participants in April at the Salem Community Center @ the Armory. Economic Development Director Sally Burbridge gave an update on the Welcome Home program. There have been thirteen applications completed for residents to participate in this home improvement program. Veteran owned homes are still needed. Public Works Director Mark Nash provided updates on city crew work. Alderman Sisco asked for an update on the new roof at the Armory building. She also requested police assistance with traffic at the city park during summer games. She went on to inquire about the status of the fuel pump at the airport, courtesy car at the airport and status of an insurance claim to a hanger. Alderman Bolerjack reported that a Capital Improvement meeting will be held on Thursday, May 12th at 6:00 PM at the Salem Community Center@the Armory and requested an update on the camera at the yard waste site. Chief Joe Chase explained that the camera originally purchased had to be returned and another company is being sought for another camera. Alderman Williams thanked the Salem Area Community Betterment Association for hosting their recent Gift of Time Volunteer Awards banquet and for all of their work on improving our community. The meeting was then adjourned.
Archery is part of the Women’s Outdoors Program. The class will be held at Echo Bluff State Park in the field by Zoe Lodge on Thursday. During the class women will learn to use a bow, how to throw an atlatl, as well as a Swiss Arrow. For more information or to register contact Connie at 573-751-1224 or email connie.weber@dnr.mo.gov.
The Creative Arts Center will be holding a beginners-knitting class in May with Terry Phelps. You will be introduced to the basic stitches of knit, purl, cast-on, and cast-off. This 2-week class will be this Thursday and Saturday May 21st from 6:00 till 8:00. The cost is $35, which includes knitting needles & 2 skeins of yarn. Additional supplies will be available for purchase for either larger items or additional projects. The class is available to participants 8 years of age and older. For more information or to register, call 247-0651, message on Facebook or you can e-mail salemartscouncil@outlook.com.