Local News – Wednesday, March 2nd, 2022
The Opening Day of catch-and-keep trout season began yesterday morning at 6:30 at Montauk State Park. There were 1,412 adult trout tags and another 166 youth tags sold as of 4:30 Monday afternoon. A number of lunkers were caught during the day with the largest being an 8-pound, 8 ounces on a jig by Tom Rutledge of Birch Tree. The second largest was a rainbow weighing in at 8 pounds, 2 ounces caught by Parker Stomberg of Ste. Genevieve. The next biggest was another rainbow weighing in at 6 pounds, 9 ounces by Jeff Meyers from Ballwin. The catch-and-keep season will be in effect until October 31st.
Snow and ice brought their own unique challenges to driving during the month of February. As temperatures warm this week, the Missouri Department of Transportation is focusing on the potholes left in the road with all the fluctuating temperatures and precipitation. Crews have already started working on patching potholes and will continue as the weather allows. When you see a MoDOT crew making repairs, please slow down and move over a lane to give them room to work. In 2021, MoDOT patched approximately 530,000 potholes spending $18 million on pothole patching. The majority of pothole patching repairs are done now through the end of April. Short-term repairs are made using a cold asphalt mix with a priority to fill the deepest potholes first. The long-term fix, a hot asphalt mix, isn’t effective until temperatures remain warm for a prolonged period. MoDOT maintains 34,000 miles of road, including interstates, U.S. and Missouri highways and lettered routes. Motorists can report the location of potholes on state-maintained roads by calling the 24/7 Customer Service Center at 1-888-ASK-MODOT (888-275-6636) or use the "Report a Road Concern" form on the web at modot.org.
The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) is looking for non-profit organizations throughout the state to help feed thousands of children who would otherwise go without meals during the summer months and during times of public emergencies, when children do not have access to free or reduced- price meals at school. The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) reimburses organizations for meals they serve to children under the age of 18 who are at risk of not having enough to eat during the summer months. The program is one of the ways Missouri is working to fight childhood hunger. Organizations that choose to sponsor the SFSP will help ensure that children in underserved areas of the state continue to receive nutritious meals when school is not in session. Organizations eligible to participate in the program as sponsors include non-profit organizations such as schools, faith-based organizations, camps, private nonprofit agencies, and local government entities. The sites qualify if they are located in areas where at least half of the children are eligible to receive free or reduced-price meals. The federally funded program is administered by DHSS. The department will accept applications from new non-profit organizations March 1 through May 15 to participate in the program. Organizations interested in serving nutritious meals to children through the summer are requested to apply. Training in the requirements for the program will be provided. More information about the Summer Food Service Program is available online by calling 888-435-1464 (toll-free).
Sherry Lea, Executive Director of Healthy Dent County is pleased to announce the appointment of Jackie Sisco as the non-profits new Program Director. In her capacity Jackie will be responsible for creating new programming for Healthy Dent County, as well as supporting and improving established programs at the Healthy Dent County Fitness Center and programs and events held at the Salem Community Center @ the Armory including fundraising events, fitness events, sporting events, league play and tournaments. Sisco has been a fitness instructor for Healthy Dent County for over 10 years and is excited to continue in this capacity and help improve and expand classes offered at the Fitness Center. Sisco is very excited to get to work with the Healthy Dent County Board of Directors and staff to continue to make Dent County an overall healthier place, physically, mentally and economically. You may reach Jackie by calling 729-8163 or e-mailing her at jackie@salemcommunitycenter.org.