Local News – Wednesday, March 23rd, 2022
The Salem Board of Aldermen met Tuesday evening at the City Hall Council Chambers. After the consent agenda, the board approved Resolution No. 7-2022, a resolution to execute an agreement with the Meramec Regional Planning Commission for HUD Housing Inspection Services as part of the Federal Home Loan Bank project. The rate of $450 per unit will be paid from the grant project budget. The board approved Resolution No. 8-2022 to amend the utility policy regarding the disconnect date on the 28th of each month if payment is not received by 5:00 PM on the 27th. The board approved Ordinance No. 3502 to execute contract change order No. 11 for Smith and Edwards Contractors for specified sewer system improvements at the Ballpark Grinder Pump Station at a cost of $6,911.36. Resolution No. 9-2022 was approved for a change order to allow Donald Maggi Inc to install a larger pump station near the Spring Creek Crossing of Highway 72 than was originally planned for. This pump station includes the work at the Salem Memorial District Hospital and any future residential expansion. The total cost of $67,988 will be paid from COP funding already budgeted. Jeff Meadows with Archer Elgin gave a project status report that included the Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase 2 improvements with funding to be sought from the states ARPA funds. The hospital pump station is scheduled to be tested today, and the Westwood/Ballpark pump station is complete except for the installation of fencing. Planning and Zoning Committee Chairman Gary Brown reported on the March 14th public hearing for a cell tower to be built at 102 Doss Road. There was one citizen in attendance that had an objection due to a perceived cancer risk. City Building Inspector Jarrod Brown informed the committee that the proposed tower design is too tall for the city codes. This matter will be discussed at a future Planning and Zoning Board of Adjustments meeting and then brought before the city council for approval. Finance Director Stacy Houston presented a financial report that represented 8 months of budgeted income. The city’s fund balances total $5 million. The 1% sales tax revenue for general fund totaled $945,000, the 3/8 cent Park and Rec tax totaled $354,535 and the ½ cent Capital Improvement tax totaled $472,000. City Administrator Ray Walden announced that Healthy Dent County received a small grant from MRPC for their Project RISE program. Walden noted there are funds in this year’s budget for a Planning and Zoning map and a proposal will be brought to the next meeting. Mayor Kim Steelman wanted to remind citizens to go to the polls next Tuesday and vote. Public Works Director Mark Nash gave updates on several city projects. He noted that Tuesday’s electric outage was because of a pole that fell and is currently tied up because trucks could not get in to fix it and that it might be this way until July. Economic Development Director Sally Burbridge gave updates on the FHLB project and tree clearing at the Industrial Park. The board approved the Salem R-80 Schools request for a Senior Parade route from Country Mart to the school on Saturday, May 14th at 5:00 pm. The board then went into closed session.
Dr. Kyle Ouzts of the Dent County Veterinary Clinic in Salem will be hosting a live fifteen-minute radio call in show on KSMO Radio 1340 AM and 95.7 FM TODAY at 1:00 in the afternoon. So, get your questions ready and call Dr. Ouzts starting at 1:00 at 573-729-6659.
The City of Salem Parks and Recreation Board met March 8th at the Community Center at the Armory. After the minutes from the June meeting were read and approved. Parks and Recreation Director, Melissa DuBois gave her report since the last meeting. The board approved using Capital Gains funds on correcting and restructuring the frisbee golf course to make it more playable and attractive to potential guests. Next was the discussion of raising pool prices, but it was tabled until the next meeting to get a feel for neighboring pool prices on daily ticket and family plan prices. DuBois then brought up the current condition of the Parks and Recreations vehicle to the board’s attention. The vehicle needs replacing as it was handed down from another department. After weighing the cost of repairs versus replacement and safety concerns the board deemed replacement made more financial sense. The Board made the recommendation to have a replacement vehicle written into the budget. Then People Centric discussed with the board and set some objectives for the Board on volunteering and getting in front of the community and ways to better serve them.
A one vehicle accident happened Sunday evening just before 9:30 in Crawford County on Highway 49 about three miles west of Viburnum. The report from the highway patrol states that a 2014 Jeep Cherokee being driven by 19-year-old Cole Chandler of Ashland, Missouri, was traveling northbound when he traveled off the right side of the road, striking several trees and a fence before coming to a stop. A passenger in the vehicle, 20-year-old Madalynn Todd from Viburnum, suffered minor injuries but refused treatment at the scene. The Jeep was totaled and removed from the scene by Blackies Towing. Chandler was wearing a seat restraint at the time of the accident, but it was not known if Todd was wearing a restraint. Chandler was arrested by the highway patrol for a DWI causing physical injury, failure to drive on the right half of the roadway and no insurance. Chandler was taken to the Crawford County jail where he was later released.
The William Lynch Elementary School will be holding Kindergarten registration for the 2022-23 school year tomorrow from 8:30 in the morning until 2:30 in the afternoon. Information you will need to registration your child will be a proof of residency, your child's immunization shot records and their birth certificate. Please call 729-6611 to make your appointment or for any questions you may have.