Local News – Wednesday, July 28th, 2021
Registration for students at all Salem R-80 schools will be starting. William Lynch Elementary School will be registering new students on Wednesday, August 11th from 9:00 in the morning until 2:00 in the afternoon and from noon until 6:00 on Thursday, August 12th. At the Salem Upper Elementary School, registration will be Monday, August 9th and Wednesday, August 11th from 9:00 in the morning until 2:00 in the afternoon, and on Tuesday, August 10th and Thursday, August 12th from noon until 6:00. These dates are for all students, both new and returning. Students that will be attending Salem Middle School and the high school must attend registration in August to receive their schedules and locker assignments. A parent or guardian must also attend and complete all district required enrollment forms. Registration for the middle school will be start on Monday, August 9th in the middle school cafeteria from 9:00 in the morning until 3:00 in the afternoon for NEW students who have not been registered in any Salem school in grades 6-8. Registration continues on Tuesday, August 10th for all students entering 8th grade; the 7th grade registration will be held Wednesday, August 11th; and for students needing to register for 6th grade, your registration will be Thursday, August 12th. Those who miss their scheduled registration days may register on Friday, August 13th. Students who will be attending high school will be able to register the same week in the lobby of the high school from 10:00 until 3:00 each day. Those who will be seniors can register Tuesday, August 10th, juniors will register on Wednesday the 11th, sophomores on the Thursday, August 12th and freshmen on Friday, August 13th. Those in high school will receive their locker assignments only upon the return of all completed registration forms. The middle school will hold an open house on Thursday, August 19th from 4:30 until 6:00 and the high school open house will be on the 19th as well from 6:00 until 7:30. Missouri state law requires the immunization of all school children. Students must be immunized against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, measles, mumps, rubella, and hepatitis B with 3 doses for those in grades 7 through 12, unless an exemption has been signed by a physician and filed with the school. All students must present proof of compliance with the immunization rule by the first day of school but are encouraged to bring their record on enrollment day. This applies to all students, including transfer students. Parents should the Dent County Health Center if they have questions regarding required immunizations at 729-3106.
Time is running out for deer hunters to apply online through the Missouri Department of Conservation’s website for a shot at more than 100 managed deer hunts throughout the state this fall and winter. MDC offers managed deer hunts for archery, muzzleloading, crossbow, and modern firearms from mid-September through mid-January at conservation areas, state and other parks, national wildlife refuges, and other public areas. Some managed deer hunts are held specifically for youth or for people with disabilities. The managed deer hunt application period is now through July 31st. Hunters are selected by a weighted random drawing. Draw results will be available August 15th through January 15th, 2022. Applicants who are drawn will receive area maps and other hunt information by email, or mail if an email address is not located on the customer’s account. You can get more information on managed deer hunts as well as preview the hunt details at mdc.mo.gov/managedhunt. Details about managed hunts can also be found in the MDC “2021 Fall Deer & Turkey Hunting Regulations and Information” booklet, available starting in early July at MDC offices and nature centers, from permit vendors around the state, and online at mdc.mo.gov.
There will be a Fall Management of Beef Herds workshop at Cook Station at the Wurdack Research Farm on Thursday, August 5th from 5:00 until 7:00. Participants will learn various topics surrounding fall management of beef cattle. The topics will include the management of fall calving cow herds, stockpiled forage strategies, and pasture economics. You can register online or call the Crawford County extension office at 573-775-2135 and speak with Gatlin Bunton if you have any questions. There is no cost to attend this workshop.
Randy League, Vice-President of the Midwest Blue Oval Club, has indicated the Current River Blue Oval Rally scheduled for this September 11th around the courthouse square in Salem has been cancelled this year to the increase in COVID-19 cases in Dent and surrounding counties. Safety is the club’s first concern and the last thing the club wanted to do is to create a situation where someone could get ill by simply attending the rally. Also, the Salem Memorial District Hospital Chief Operating Officer Jason Edwards at the last Board of Directors meeting reported the Wings and Strings event scheduled for that same Saturday, September 11th had been cancelled.
Representatives from Missouri State Parks invite the public to attend an informational meeting at Echo Bluff State Park on Saturday morning, July 31st beginning at 11:00 at the amphitheater. The public is invited to share comments and ask questions about the site and its operations. Representatives from the site will be present to provide information and to answer questions. Input from the public is important to Missouri State Parks. These informational meetings, which are being held in all state parks and historic sites, help create two-way communication with the public. The meetings give staff the opportunity to let people know the current status and future plans for the park or historic site, and they offer visitors the opportunity to comment on the facilities. The public is strongly encouraged to follow social-distancing guidelines and be proactive in protecting themselves and others. Echo Bluff State Park is located at 34489 Echo Bluff Drive, Eminence. For more information, please contact Echo Bluff State Park at 573-751-5211. For more information on state parks and historic sites, visit mostateparks.com. Missouri State Parks is a division of the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.