Local News – Wednesday, January 29th, 2020
Governor Mike Parson announced nine appointments to various boards and commissions and filled two county office vacancies on Monday. One of those appointments made by Parson was Jamie Homeyer of Salem as the Dent County Assessor. Homeyer has been a realtor with VIP Properties in Salem for 15 years and a co-owner of AW Huber, Inc, since 1995. Ms. Homeyer is a member of Missouri Realtors, the National Association of Realtors, and the South Central Board of Realtors. She also serves as Secretary of the Dent County Community Foundation of the Ozarks and previously served as President of the Salem Area Chamber of Commerce. Homeyer was named as the Interim Dent County assessor by the Dent County Commission to replace Tina Whitaker who retired December 31st.
On Monday morning, January 27th at the Dent County Courthouse, the Dent County Commissioners held the 2020 Dent County Budget hearing. The General Revenue Fund ended 2019 with net cash available at $1,652,120.54. The estimated revenues for 2020 were 1.722 million dollars while estimated expenses for this year are 1.996 million dollars, resulting in an estimated ending balance of $1,377,559.66 as of December 31st, 2020. Skiles stated that $200,000 has been budgeted for repairs to be done on the courthouse. The Road and Bridge Fund ending cash balance in 2019 was $430,812.91. The commissioners have estimated revenues in 2020 at 1.735 million dollars and estimated expenses of 1.928 million dollars that would result in an estimated ending balance of $237,162.91 at the end of 2020. Commissioners Purcell and Larson hope to be able to finish up getting the rest of the chip and seal roads that have not yet received a new coat to be completed this year but that will be determined by the bids they receive based on the current cost of the oil and chips. Again this year, there are no new roads they plan to chip and seal in 2020. The Assessment Fund ending balance for 2019 was $130,161.11. The commissioners estimated revenues in 2020 of $196,800.00 and with estimated expenses of $253,100.00, the estimated ending balance at the end of 2020 would be $73,861.11. The Law Enforcement Sales Tax (LEST) Fund ending balance in 2019 was $218,169.90. They estimate revenues in 2020 to be 1.230 million dollars while the estimated deductions came in at 1.448 million dollars leaving an estimated ending balance of $211,822.90 at the end of 2020. The 9-1-1 fund had an ending balance of $29,938.89 in 2019. Expected estimated revenues are $38,290 in 2020 and with estimated expenses of $43,821.14, there would be an ending balance at the end of 2020 of $24,407.75. The Jail Construction and Operations Fund was adjusted at the hearing with Sheriff Bob Wells wanting to add additional expenses for the boarding of prisoners from other counties that may be housed in Dent County. With the change made, the fund started with a 1.389 million dollar balance on December 31st, 2019 and has expected revenues in 2020 of 1.164 million dollars. The estimated expenses of 1.172 million dollars would leave an ending balance of $1,381,785.99 at the end of 2020. The Jail Construction Trust Fund showed a beginning balance at the end of 2019 of $1,046,631.98. The commissioners estimated revenues of $911,338.90 and with anticipated expenses of $754,107.50, the fund would have an ending balance of 1.204 million dollars at the end of 2020. The commission also went over the Tourism Tax budget that showed an ending balance of $145,067.93 at the end of 2019 with anticipated revenues of $70,500. The commission also anticipates increased use of the fund with expenses of near $150,000 in 2020 that would leave an ending balance of $65,567.93. Skiles also went over the new budgets for the SB40 fund and other smaller funds to see if there were questions, but there were none. The budget for 2020 was then approved by a 3-0 vote. The hearing was then adjourned.
On Sunday evening at about 9:15, the Salem Police Department responded to a traffic accident. According to their report, a 2000 Toyota was traveling southbound on Craig Industrial Drive when it left the right side of the roadway striking a light pole causing it to overturn and strike a retaining wall and propane tank. The Toyota was occupied by 5 teenagers. The driver and two occupants were air lifted for serious injuries. The other two passengers were transported to SMDH for treatment of minor injuries. The names were not released.