Local News – Wednesday, January 25th, 2023
There are certain streets within the city limits of Salem that have been designated as emergency “Snow Routes.” These streets shall have priority over other streets for the clearing of snow, ice or other debris: Third Street to the west from Highway 19 to Dilworth Lane, and Third Street to the east from Pershing Avenue to Iron Mountain Road; Fourth Street from Pershing Avenue to MacArthur Avenue; Sixth Street (Rolla Road) from MacArthur Avenue to Highway 19; Jackson Street to the north from Sixth Street (Rolla Road) to the dead end; Tenth Street from Highway 19 to Walnut Hill Drive; Pershing Avenue from Tenth Street to Highway 32/72 East; Center Street from Highway 19 to Craig Industrial Drive and from Missouri Avenue to Dilworth Lane; Carty Street from Highway 32/72 East to Center Street; Craig Industrial Drive from Highway 32/72 to Iron Mountain Road; Babb Lane from Highway 32/72 West to Roosevelt Street; Doss Road south from Highway 32/72 East to the city limits; Roosevelt Street to the east from Highway 19 to Babb Lane and west from Highway 19 to Wines Street; Wines Street from Roosevelt Street to Highway 32/72 West; Missouri Avenue from Highway 32/72 West to Third Street; Franklin Street from Pershing Avenue to Highway 72;
Dilworth Lane from Rolla Road to Highway 32 West. Remember to remove your vehicle from these routes when an accumulation of ice and snow is expected so that the route can be cleared. Your car or truck could be towed at your expense, or you could be sited for a parking violation. If you have any questions, call the Salem Police Department at 729-4242.
The Salem R-80 Board of Education Thursday night went into closed session where the board approved extending Assistant Superintendent Dr. Nathan Wills contract with provisions and added an additional one week of vacation. The board also accepted the resignation of Meghan Lawrence. The meeting was then adjourned.
The Salem Board of Aldermen met Tuesday evening at the council chambers. The board approved Resolution #4-2023 adopting the Dent County Multi-Jurisdictional Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan. Finance Director Stacey Houston gave the financial report showing the status of the funds and reported the electric, water and sewer billing is up. Alderman Kyle Williams noted the balance for the electric reserve fund after the city transferred $143,000 from the $10 and $15 service availability fees is now over $160,000. He said that is a start at trying to make sure there are available funds in that account if a disaster should happen. The board approved the purchase of base rock, one-inch clean and two-inch clean rock from the Salem Capital Quarries for $4,252 with a buffer up to $5,000 to allow for price fluctuations. This rock is used when there is work on city streets, on water main breaks and other uses such as sidewalk and curb construction. They also approved the bid from JCI Industries from Jefferson City to rebuild a submersible pump for $28,800 that includes a one-year warranty. City Administrator Sally Burbridge said the airport agreement with Lochner will be brought to the board at the next meeting. She did discuss the fuel tank issue with Lochner and they suggested the city possibly revise their ten-year plan to include a fueling station. This will be discussed further. Mayor Greg Parker said the 100-Acre Wood Road Rally will be March 17th and 18th in Salem. He also said the AARP Volunteer Tax Consultants will be providing FREE tax prep at the Salem Community Center@The Armory. To make your appointment, call 729-8163. He also asked citizens to use their driveways and stay off the side streets to allow city workers to clear the roads. Public Works Director Mark Nash said the city crews are ready for the snow. He said he will have a water leak report and try to have a line loss report for the electric department at the next utility meeting or alderman meeting. Alderman Shawn Bolerjack said the Love Thy neighbor Program work week has been set for June 4th through the 8th. Citizens can go to ltndent.com to see if they will be eligible for work to be done on their homes. Those applications will be due March 1st. If you would like to volunteer to help, you must submit your application by April 1st. Alderman Williams said entry registration in the Road Rally opened Monday and they are always looking for volunteers to help. If you are interested, go to www.americanrallyassociation.org/100aw. The meeting was then adjourned.