Local News – Wednesday, January 24th, 2018
The City of Salem Parks and Recreation Board met Monday evening at the Salem Community Center@The Armory. Parks and Recreation Director Tye Lydon reported on the City Basketball League and said there were 126 participants which is 33 more than last year’s total of 93. There were six K-2nd grade teams, four 3rd-4th grade teams and two 5th-6th grade teams. The league ended this past Saturday. Lydon showed the board updated pictures of the excavation work at the city pool, and Westport Pools is forming up the zero depth entry as well as the main drain. The pool walls have been cut down for the new guttering and the new supervisor estimated the work on the pool will be completed by the first week of May. Lydon said he will advertise for pool employees in February and the Parks and Recreation Department will offer Lifeguard Certification for $125 beginning May 21st through the 25th. Lydon discussed the new Healthy Dent County Concessions Policy that will provide a minimum of 60% healthy choices to the public with lower prices than the non-healthy options where possible. By adopting this policy, the board will be working with Healthy Dent County as they have set aside $10,000 for healthy foods equipment. The Park Board approved recommending this policy be adopted and taken to the aldermen for their approval. Lydon said the spring soccer signups will start February 1st and run through February 23rd and the cost per player is $25. A late registration period will be held from February 24th through March 2nd for $35 per participant. The league will start on April 7th and last until April 28th at the Al Brown multipurpose field. Lydon also suggested with all the improvements made at the city park, a Summer Kick Off event should be held featuring food trucks, bands, free admission to the pool and a movie in the evening at the pool. The event will be free (with the exception of individual food purchases from the food vendors) and would be open to everyone. Lydon also discussed with the board the return of Summer Camps to the park that would offer a variety of events and not just be a sports camp held Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM until noon. Each participant would also get a healthy snack. This program is in the early preliminary stages. Lydon also reported on new pavilion signs for those who rent the pavilion that would indicate who has rented the pavilion and their responsibilities as well as an emergency number. They will be mounted to each pavilion that can be rented. Park Board President Stan Podorski reported that all the parks in the city system need to have their own sign and that preliminary work is being done on that. Podorski reported a meeting is being held this week on the pool house improvements to determine what can be done with the budget set aside for the pool house. Once a decision is made, another park board meeting may need to be held to approve the proposed work so that a recommendation can be made at the next Board of Aldermen meeting in February. Podorski also said a meeting was held to discuss and update everyone on the TAP grant. It is moving forward and a slight change was made to run a sidewalk along the west end of the city park between the outfield fence and the Community Center driveway instead of adjacent to the driveway. Podorski reported to the board the Salem Community Center@The Armory did receive their NAP credits and that at a previous board meeting, the board did approve to allocate $50,000 to the project broken out over two fiscal years. Tye Lydon discussed placing a “Freedom Rock” near the entrance to the park with a wall with those who served from Dent County on the wall. This is another project in its preliminary stages and he will update the board more at a later date. Podorski discussed with the Park Board a new entrance sign to the Salem City Park that SACBA and the Garden Club would like to help with and design. He mentioned that he has not yet received their idea or design for the sign, but wanted to make the board aware of their desire to help. The meeting was then adjourned.
The Salem Acoustic Jam will be held Saturday night at 6:30 at the Creative Arts Center, formerly the Teachers Closet, at 6:30.Musicians and listeners of all ages and talents are invited and there is no cost. For more information, call 247-0279 or e-mail saac@embarqmail.com.
The annual meeting of the Salem Area Community Betterment Association will be held Monday, February 12th at 5:00 PM at the Visitors Center Meeting Room at 200 S. Main Street. All members and interested citizens may attend.