Local News – Wednesday, January 23rd, 2019
The Dent County Service Unit of The Salvation Army would like to announce that they have successfully surpassed their $30,000 goal during this year’s Christmas Kettle Campaign. The total raised was $39,544. Along with the monetary donations received this year, 289 local children were adopted at the Angel Tree that was located at Wal-Mart. The local Salvation Army Board would like to thank everyone who made monetary donations and/or adopted an angel. They also extend their greatest appreciation to the dedicated volunteers that took time out of their busy holiday season to ring the bells at the kettles. The community’s continued generosity will be distributed throughout 2019 to those less fortunate in Dent County.
The Salem Board of Alderman met Tuesday night at the City Hall Council Chambers. Bids were discussed for a utility body for a 2006 F-250. This issue was brought back for consideration after the bid from KRANZ Body, LLC had been misplaced. The Board voted to rescind the motion passed at the January 7th meeting to accept the bid from Knapheide Truck Equipment. Since the list of specifications submitted to the bidders was not available for review so the Board postponed a decision to award the bid until the next Board of Alderman meeting. Three responsible bids for WWTP Phase 1B Improvement Projects were received and the Board approved the low bid by Smith & Edwards Construction, Inc. of Mountain Grove in the amount of $1,574,750.00. Three alternative bids were received for rebuilding or replacing an influent pump or pumps. The Board approved the purchase of two pumps from Hydro-Kinetics Corporation in St. Louis for a total of $28,133.00. After approval of the consent agenda, City Attorney William Camm Seay reported that there were no objections at the Planning and Zoning Commission Public Hearing to the subdivision of 5400 Ranch Motel Drive. The Planning and Zoning Commission voted unanimously to approve the request to subdivide Lots A, B, C, & D and zone the lots R-3, while the remaining properties will continue to be zoned Commercial. The Board approved the request by the commission and an ordinance will be prepared to finalize the request. City Administrator Ray Walden reported that Requests for Proposal Qualifications will be sent out for the former Middle School and the former City Hall Auditorium, plus water line projects. Economic Development Director Sally Burbridge presented the Social Media Policy for consideration. She noted that the Policy addresses Facebook use and any other Social Media utilized by the City of Salem. Resolution No. 1-2019, a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign the application for a LWCF Grant for Soccer Field Complex development, was approved board as was Resolution 2-2019, a resolution adopting a social media policy for the City of Salem. Resolution No. 3-2019, a resolution authorizing the mayor to accept a perpetual utility easement located at 1415 West Scenic Rivers Boulevard, on property owned by Phelps County Regional Medical Center, was presented and was approved by the board. The meeting was then adjourned.
A one-vehicle accident injury accident happened Monday evening at 6:51 in Phelps County, on Route C just north of Phelps County Road 8260. A 2005 Chevrolet Impala, driven by 57-year old Lawrence Greene of Rolla, was southbound and failed to negotiate a curve. The vehicle traveled off the left side of the road and struck a fence, a utility box and a tree. Greene was transported to Phelps Health hospital for treatment of moderate injuries. According to the report, Greene was wearing a safety restraint at the time of the accident. The Impala sustained moderate damage and was removed from the scene by Ron Dishman’s Towing.
This Saturday night at 6:30 at the Creative Arts Center, everyone is invited to the Salem Acoustic Community Jam. Bring your instrument and play along or just come and tap your feet. There is no cost but your time!