Local News – Wednesday, February 5th, 2020
The Salem Board of Aldermen held their regular meeting at the city hall council chambers Monday night. At the meeting, the board heard from operations manager Joe Bruno from the Dent County Sheltered Workshop who explained to the board their budget had been cut $47,300 and there will be a sharp increase in salaries this year due to the increase in the state minimum wage. He also explained there is federal legislation passed through the house to eliminate the adjustment to the minimum wage for those with disabilities that would basically put an end to sheltered workshops if passed through the Senate. He said he appreciates all the businesses that use their services, but even if everything would go perfect this year, the sheltered workshop would end up the year about $7,000 in the hole. Kristen DeLuca of K DeLuca Audit Services LLC presented the board with findings from her audit of fiscal year 2019. She said she gave the city an unmodified opinion that states the books were fairly stated in her opinion. In short, she said the city had in total over 27 million dollars in assets and had over 9.8 million dollars in liabilities which leaves the city with a net position of over 16.4 million dollars. DeLuca also said she had no new findings for the city in their financials. She said two notes that are presented say the city has a problem with the segregation of duties which is normal for a city of this size, and that the books were prepared under the guidance of the generally accepted accounting principals better known as GAAP. The board approved the recommendation by Archer Elgin to go with the bid from Don Maggi, Inc of Rolla to do the work for the TAP Grant to build the trail from the R-80 Administration building to Pavilion #1 in the Salem City Park for $306.500.52. With this grant, 80% will be paid by MoDOT with 20% being the responsibility of the city. After the board approved the consent agenda, Park and Recreation Director Melissa Dubois reported the football camp that just got underway had 134 children in it. She wanted to thank Andrew Wynn and Head Football Coach Dylan Wyrick for helping with the camp and making it possible. She said Smart Soccer Signups end Friday for boys and girls age 3 through 5 and a parent, and the regular Soccer program signups for boys and girls 14 and under will also end Friday with late registration ending on February 14th. City Administrator Ray Walden said there were 4,421 people who used the Salem Community Center@The Armory in January. He said utility bills will be going out this week and will only reflect about one months usage. He said if anyone has questions, they can stop by the utility office or call 729-4117. Walden invited everyone to the retirement celebration for Salem Police Chief Keith Steelman and Lieutenant Marty Farrar at the Salem Police Station from 2:30-4:00 on February 14th. Walden said the next Board of Aldermen meeting would be held on February 18th due to President’s Day on Monday and the offices will be closed that day. The board approved Resolution 2-2020 that adopted an economic development policy for the pricing of land for sale in the Masters Industrial Park, and approved Resolution #3-2020 approving the agreement between the City of Salem and C. M. Archer Group, P.C. to be the city’s engineer. The board approved a layout plan submitted by Legend Clift to create a mobile home park at 701 East Center Street. The plan had previously been approved by the building inspector. Clift is in the process of improving the property and installing a new water line. The board also approved the allowed destruction of old police records that are seven years and older to be destroyed in accordance with state statutes as submitted by Chief Keith Steelman. The board then went into closed session.
The Salem Area Arts Council is sponsoring “Art Across the Ages” from March 2 through March 27, 2020 at the Ozark Natural and Cultural Resource Center (ONCRC) in Salem to celebrate Youth Art Month. Young people and adult artists from all around the Dent County area are encouraged to submit their work for display during this time to show how artistic talent can be found in many forms and artists can be of any age. Additionally, a “Meet the Artists” public reception with refreshments will be held on Tuesday evening, March 10th from 6:00 to 8:00. Artists can make arrangements to drop off their artwork during the month of February by calling (573) 247-0279. This is a wonderful way to display the amazing talent found within this area, and artists of all ages and art of all media are encouraged to participate. All school art teachers and home schoolers are being invited to submit examples of their students’ work. For more information, please feel free to call the representative of the Salem Area Arts Council at (573) 247-0279. The Ozark Natural and Cultural Resource Center is located at 202 South Main in Salem.