Local News – Wednesday, February 3rd, 2021
The Salem Board of Aldermen held a regular meeting Monday evening at the City Hall Council Chambers. Mayor Brad Nash appointed Shawn Bolerjack to fill the vacant seat of East Ward Alderman left by Rachel Hinderliter who had to resign after moving from the district. The board approved this appointment and Bolerjack was sworn in. In bids, the board approved a grinder pump for the Westwood Subdivision from Vandevanter Engineering at a cost of $19,087.00. Planning and Zoning Chairman Gary Brown reported on their recent meeting. Since the Planning and Zoning Committee does not have the authority to override city ordinances, but the Board of Adjustments does, the matter of subdividing the property at 805-807 North Henderson into three separate parcels is being referred to this committee to be discussed at their next meeting. The Planning and Zoning Committee did recommend and the Alderman approved a reviewed use for a daycare to be located at 1300 S. MacArthur Street owned by John and Tasha Harrison. After the consent agenda was approved, City Administrator Ray Walden reported that the new website has been launched and edits are being done. This new site is a partnership of the City of Salem, Dent County and Salem Area Chamber of Commerce using the new branding and logos recently created. The Salem Community Center @ the Armory had a total of 3,817 participants in programs in December. The Planning and Zoning Board of Adjustments will have a meeting on February 9th and the Planning and Zoning Committee will meet on February 18. The city offices will be closed on Monday, February 15th for President’s Day with the next Alderman meeting being held on Tuesday, February 16th. Public Works Director Mark Nash stated the meters have been read and bills for October usage will go out this week. The utility department is looking into a pay as you go option to be available to residents. Mayor Nash appointed Sherman Odom to fill the remaining term of Claire Dent Underwood on the Housing Authority Board. This was approved by the board. The board then went into closed session to discuss personnel and contracts.
The Mark Twain Beekeepers will be holding a Beginners Bee Class sometime in mid to late March at a location in Salem to be determined by the interest in the class. The deadline to register is February 20th and payment will be due on or before March 13th once the date has been determined. The cost is expected to be under $40 and lunch will be provided during the class. For more information, contact the Mark Twain Beekeepers by e-mail at marktwainbeekeepers@gmail.com. You can also contact Gregg Tivnan at 573-689-2254 for any questions you may have.
Preparations are underway for Ozark National Scenic Riverways to accomplish several prescribed burns this spring, between early February and mid-April. The burns will be carefully planned and monitored by the park’s Fire Management staff. Several prescribed burns planned at Ozark Riverways in 2021 will be cooperative efforts with other land management agencies. The Alley Spring prescribed burn unit is 826 acres near Alley Mill. This burn will be conducted in partnership with Missouri Department of Conservation. The Pulltite prescribed burn unit is 577 acres and is in the upper Current River area in northern Shannon County. This burn will be conducted in partnership with Missouri Department of Conservation and The Nature Conservancy. The Welch Lodge burn unit is 829 acres and is in the upper Current River area in northern Shannon County near Akers. This burn will be conducted in partnership with Pioneer Forest. Individuals in the vicinity of the prescribed burns with respiratory ailments are encouraged to take extra precautions to avoid exposure to smoke. Anyone who is concerned about the potential impacts of smoke from a prescribed burn can request to be added to the park’s notification list in order to be contacted in advance. For more information about prescribed burns at Ozark Riverways or to be included on the park’s notification list, contact Dena Matteson at (573) 323-4814 or dena_matteson@nps.gov. Prescribed burning has a variety of purposes ranging from the reduction of fuel accumulations near developed areas to benefits for native plants and animals in a variety of ways. If you would like to receive additional information about other prescribed burns in the local area, please contact Missouri Department of Conservation at (573) 226-3616 or the U.S. Forest Service at (573) 364-4621.