Local News – Wednesday, February 14th, 2024
The Salem Board of Aldermen held their regular meeting at the Salem Community Center@The Armory on Tuesday evening. The board heard a presentation from Scott Cason with the Missouri 9-1-1 Service Board. He gave an update on the state’s Next Generation 9-1-1 Enhancement Program. Dent County is part of a 13 county region that is working to create virtual consolidation that would merge all Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP) to allow for enhanced 9-1-1 to include caller ID and 9-1-1 texting capabilities. There are grants available to pay for the upgrades for the next five years, then the City and County would need to sustain the equipment after that. The board approved Resolution No. 4-2024 that allows the mayor to enter into a lease renewal with Pitney Bowes for a postage meter machine. A Public Comment Policy was presented by Alderman Shawn Bolerjack. This new policy would provide a platform for citizens to express views and concerns at each board meeting. Citizens would sign up before the start of a meeting and then have three minutes to talk. This new policy was approved. Eleven bills were read for the first time creating a new section to the City Codes establishing a Clean Air Ordinance and prohibiting smoking on city properties, specifically in public parks. Each bill explained in detail the types of smoking devices, the types of city property and outdoor parks, the posting of signage, as well as fines and enforcement. The Park and Recreation Board recently reviewed and recommended approval by the Alderman. A second reading of all these bills will be held at the next meeting. The board then heard a second reading of Bill #3581 updating the Utility Committee definition which was approved. A second reading of Bill #3582 was heard by the board that updated the city utility deposit ordinance, changing the utility deposit from a flat rate of $200 to an average of the past 12 months per service address with new construction deposits to equal the one-month average of other accounts in the appropriate designation. Multiple utility account customers would remain at $500. This bill is for new customers only and will not affect current customers. The board also approved Bill #3583, clarifying the City Building Inspector’s power and duties, and Bill #3584, updating the Notice of Violations of the Housing Violations section of the Codes after the second reading. Also approved after a second reading was Bill #3587 making mid-year 2023-2024 fiscal year budget adjustments. Interim Public Works Director Joe Chase updated the board on several projects including the closure of part of Rolla Road between Highway 19 and MacArthur for today; the Frisco Trail signage will be completed soon and he has been working with the County Commissioners on electric at the Courthouse. City Administrator Sally Burbridge thanked staff and alderman who attended a recent Budget Priorities Workshop and presented a priority list of projects to be considered for the next fiscal year. The “Welcome Home” Project Extension has been awarded and the scope of the grant has been reduced from 25 homes to 15. Burbridge reported that there were two water leaks at the Civic Center with extensive damage to the Council Chambers and stage. She is working on quotes and repairs to the flooring and plumbing. She is working with a company to get all city records scanned and on a Laser Fish Program. The Downtown TAP Grant Project bid opening will be on Friday and city offices will be closed on Monday for President’s Day. After reports from the aldermen and city officials, the meeting went into closed session.
This Saturday morning at 10:00, the Dent County Historical Society will be holding an event to allow people to share their family history that will be preserved in a special project that will include video. At 10:00 in the morning, the Historical Society will have a workshop for the “Telling the story of the Upper Current River from the Road,” project at the James Family Center off Center Street in downtown Salem. This is an opportunity for people to start sharing their family stories, photos, maps, newspaper clippings. Bring your items to the workshop where they can be scanned on the spot. A worksheet will be provided that the contributor can fill out to accompany the contributions, plus sticky notes to identify people or places along the Upper Current River. There will be a project update. Everyone is welcome.
A Scrappy Fabric Journal Class will be held Thursday evening from 6:00 until 8:00 with Gail Phelan at the Creative Arts Center where students will create a lovely, tactile journal using scraps of fabric. NO SEWING needed. Students just use fabric, lace, string, paper and glue. The result is a nice size journal you will take home with you. All materials will be provided. Students must be age 18 and older with a minimum of three students attending with no more than 12 students allowed. The cost is $15 per student or if you come as a pair, two for $25. Class registrations are on a first come, first serve basis with online registrations under “Programs” at the Creative Arts Center at salemcommunitybetterment.com website.