Local News – Wednesday, December 29th, 2021
The Salem Board of Aldermen met Tuesday evening in the City Hall Council Chambers at 202 North Washington Street. The board approved Bill # 3496 to create an ordinance amending Chapter 700, Article 1 of the Code of Ordinances pertaining to the disconnection of services. In a nutshell, the city will not shut off anyone’s electric for the non-payment of utility bills including residential tenants of an apartment building if the National Weather Service local forecast calls for temperature to be above 95 degrees or be 105 degrees with a heat index for the following 24 hours, or if utility personnel will not be available to reconnect utility service in the succeeding day or days. The bill goes on to read the city will not shut off utility services on any day the National Weather Service local forecast predicts the temperatures to be below freezing or if utility personnel will not be available to reconnect utility service in the succeeding day or days. This had been recommended for approval by the Utility Committee. The board also approved Resolution #38-2021 that authorizes the filing of an application for an engineering grant with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources for the Clean State Revolving Fund Program under the Missouri Clean Water Act. The resolution allows Mayor Steelman to execute the application and provide any information deemed necessary by DNR for the application, sign all documents and furnish assurances as may be required. The grant amount is $50,000 and there is a 20% local match which is $12,500 which has been budgeted under the engineering services for Wastewater Treatment plant improvements. The application of the grant was recommended by Jeff Medows from Archer-Elgin Engineering at the Utility Committee meeting. City Administrator Ray Walden reported the filing for the municipal election of the four elected positions in Salem ended Tuesday and there were four people who filed for mayor, two for each of the west aldermanic seats and one person filing for the single east ward aldermanic seat. He said the sales tax collections to date have stayed true to the budget or may be even a little higher. Walden discussed how People Centric, a consulting group out of Springfield, Missouri, is updating position descriptions as well as working on future planning updates for the city. He also stated the City of Salem Administrative Offices Friday will be closed in honor the New Year’s Day holiday. Mayor Kim Steelman mentioned that she along with Administrator Walden, Public Works Director Nash, Police Chief Joe Chase and City Clerk Tammy Koller will all attend a meeting with the insurance broker to discuss additional options dealing with city employee benefits as that has been one of her priorities. Public Works Director Mark Nash reported the electric department has been checking insulators and pole attachments to alleviate blinking in the city, plus change out poles if needed. He said the water and sewer department has had two fix two water line breaks, plus have been flushing and checking pressure on some fire hydrants. He went on to say the new fence at the water and electric department on Wines Street has been installed. Nash said the street department has been able to patch some of the water and sewer line digouts in the streets and they have placed concrete blocks in front of the damaged bridge on 2nd Stree. He also said the street department is taking off the roof over the truck shed for the street department for the rafters to be replaced. Alderman Greg Parker thanked the people for their recycling efforts over the holidays, Alderman Bolerjack went over the Utility Committee meeting minutes and Alderwoman Sisco wanted to thank the city employees, especially those at the city administration building. The board then went into closed session.
The Missouri Department of Natural Resources has weatherization assistance available to increase energy efficiency and improve the health of your home. The department’s Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) is critical to meeting heating and cooling needs of Missourians with low-incomes, especially as many seniors and other vulnerable households’ shelter at home due to COVID-19. WAP makes homes more energy efficient, safer, and healthier. To apply for assistance, clients should contact their local weatherization agency which is the South Central Missouri Community Action Agency. In Dent County, the number is 729-3500. A single person with a maximum income of $25,760 is eligible and a home with two residents must have a maximum income of $34,840 to qualify. Local weatherization agencies can provide further information about maximum family income and other details regarding program eligibility. Properly insulating and sealing air leaks can help many homes save as much as 30% in winter heating costs. Home weatherization not only saves homeowners money and leaves them with a more comfortable living space, but it also reduces the pollution associated with generating energy used for heating. For more ways to weatherize visit dnr.mo.gov/energy/weatherization or contact the Department of Natural Resources’ Division of Energy at 855-522-2796.
The Missouri State Highway Patrol would like to remind the public that driver examination stations throughout the state closed on Friday, December 31st, in observance of New Year’s Day. Normal operations will resume on Monday, January 3rd, 2022.