Local News -Wednesday, December 14th, 2022
The Salem Board of Aldermen met Tuesday evening at the City Hall Council Chambers for its regular meeting. The board approved the invoice from Sho-Me Power for a new reclosure, travel and labor for the electric substation repair on December 3rd of $22,242.12. They also approved the bid from Ad-Par Construction for $23,000 for work at #4 Parkview Place as part of the “Welcome Home” project and approved the bid from 5 J’s Landscaping and Handyman Services for $16,350 for 102 South Dilworth Lane as part of the “Welcome Home” Project. The board tabled the bids for Municipal Financial Services until the city attorney could review the documents. They went on to approve the bid for 125 tons of salt for the street department from Compass Minerals for $12,051.25, and also approved to buy fuel for the airport with a maximum purchase at this time of $10,000. The price of gas fluctuates daily, and Public Works Director Mark Nash said the city will pay whatever price per gallon it is when it gets loaded onto the truck. He was looking at getting no more than 2,000 gallons. The board approved Resolution #47-2022 that allows the mayor to enter into an agreement between the City of Salem and Gilmore and Bell, PC for post-tax compliance services. The city will have to pay $5,500 for the 2017 Pool Project Certificates of Participation from the Park and Recreation Department’s Special Services Fund which will need a budget adjustment, and the 2017 utility filing fee of $1,100 will be split equally between the electric, water and sewer departments. The board approved Resolutions #48-2022 and #49-2022 that dealt with the properties at #4 Parkview Place and 102 South Dilworth allowing the mayor to enter into an agreement with the construction companies to do the agreed upon work as bid to those individual properties as part of the “Welcome Home” project. The board tabled Resolution #50-2022 authorizing the mayor to enter into an agreement with a Municipal Financial Advisor since the board tabled the bids. In reports, Temporary City Administrator Sally Burbridge introduced Anne Freand from the MRPC who explained they selected Salem to prepare an Active Transportation Plan that would be for trails and sidewalks if funding becomes available. This is for pedestrian walking and biking and there were a number of proposed trails and sidewalk improvements in the plan that will need to be submitted by the end of the month. Freand asked the board to review the plan and submit any corrections or changes they find to her before the plan is submitted. Burbridge said a meeting was held with Archer-Elgin concerning the Phase 2 improvements to the sewer plant. She reported information about net metering in the city is available in a two-part flyer from MPUA in the office, and Ameren will be installing a new AMI system for their natural gas. She said at the Airport Board meeting last week, a representative from Lochner was there to talk about long-term plans for the airport. Mayor Greg Parker thanked Park and Rec Director Melissa Dubois for the ”Light up the Park” display at the Salem City Park, thanked Mark Nash and the electric department for their work when the electric went down on December 3rd, thanked Sinks Pharmacy for sponsoring the parade winners and thanked KSMO Media for video streaming the Christmas Parade. Mark Nash said the electric department is replacing the overhead city lights that have burnt out, but he said there are more lights out than they have in stock. More lights have been ordered, but they are getting harder to get and have increased in price by 40%. He also said utility easements for the 4th street TAP Grant improvements have been secured and people can look at what is being proposed under “City Projects” on the city website. Alderwoman Kala Sisco said she is looking for volunteers for her Community Services Committee to help with how to pay for the 2023 fireworks display for the 4th of July. Call the city administrative offices if you are interested. Alderman Kyle Williams said there would be a Utility Committee meeting at the Salem Community Center@The Armory at 6:15 tonight. The board then went into closed session.