Local News – Wednesday, August 10th, 2022
The Salem Board of Aldermen met Tuesday evening in the City Hall Council Chambers. At the meeting, Economic Development Director Sally Burbridge nominated Daniel Salyer to serve a five-year term on the Enhanced Enterprise Zone board and the board approved her recommendation. She then talked about possible Community Revitalization Grant applications that may be forthcoming using ARPA funds provided to the Missouri Department of Economic Development. She said the state asked cities on what three projects they would use the funds and Salem responded with the Old City Hall Auditorium, the downtown sidewalk and lighting project, and the construction trades program between the city and the Salem R-80 School District. Burbridge said the construction trades program will be discussed on a conference call between her, Dr. Lynne Reed, Principal Tori Snitker, Board president Steven Patterson and Mr. Hester on its future. Police Chief Joe Chase then talked to the board about the developing homeless situation, and he is part of an exploratory committee to see if there is the possibility of developing transitional housing in the old Quonset hut on Grand Street through a grant program. He said the discussion is in its infancy and a lot of things would have to fall into place. Burbridge was asking the board if they would allow staff to work on these projects if the state opens them up for grant applications and the board approved. Finance Director Stacey Houston brought a draft policy to the board for their review for changes to the dollar thresholds for purchases from department heads from under $300 to $500, getting two or three quotes, written or oral, for items from $500 to $5,000 that could be approved by the finance director or city administrator, etc. The top mark would go from $3,000 to $10,000 where the board would have to approve the purchase after a formal bid is presented. Auditor Kristen DeLuca presented the city audit report for the fiscal year that ended June 30th, 2021, which showed total net assets for the city at $18,167,213 which is down $96,064 from the beginning balances on July 1st, 2020. She broke down the city finances into business-type activities and governmental funds showing the revenues and expenses of both. She gave the city audit an unmodified opinion that means in her opinion, the city finances have been presented fairly in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. She did note that as part of the audit, the city should try to segregate the duties of those handling, receiving, depositing and spending money. This is a normal deficiency for small offices but has to be reported. She also said the city needed to do a better job with details of the grant projects they have going on and the city has taken measures to do just that. The board approved changing the meeting date of September 13th to September 15th due to board members being at the Missouri Municipal League Conference. City Administrator Ray Walden said he is working on transitioning his position over to Sally Burbridge who will become interim city administrator. Walden said they met with the Missouri Rural Water Association this week, and he said Jeff Medows from Archer-Elgin and Terry Moore from ESP will give updates at the next meeting. He will also prepare a list of accomplishments during his tenure as city administrator for his last meeting. Mayor Greg Parker said he is working on getting auxiliary board meetings structured so that issues can be addressed in an orderly fashion. Public Works Director Mark Nash said the fuel at the airport cannot be used and he plans on locking off the pump. He stated the motors at the lift station had the wrong capacitors and they were repaired under warranty, and that some asphalt is going to be used between new curb and guttering work as well as locations where roads were dug up for leaks. Economic Development Director Sally Burbridge said the “Welcome Home” Round 3 now has all its signatures and the walk through for the homes in Round 1 has been done. She also said demolition bids will go out next week. After reports from the aldermen, the meeting was adjourned.
Utility Committee Chairman Kyle Williams has called for a meeting of the City of Salem’s Utility Committee for tonight at 6:15 at the Salem Community Center @ the Armory. Agenda items include review of July utility expenses, revenues, consumption and peak data. Other topics to be addressed before adjournment include water rates, an update on treatment plant, adding scheduled meetings to electric bill, and commercial electric rates. The meeting of the City of Salem’s Utility Committee is open to the public.
Have you ever wondered about some of the lotions and potions your great-grandparents or grandparents made that helped with insect bites, sunburns and more? While the cure for the common cold is not available in this class at the Current River State Park Lodge, you will learn how to make good-tasting, comforting herbal teas, lip balms and some sugar and salt scrubs. The class will be held from 8:00 in the morning until 3:00 in the afternoon this Saturday and Sunday. Space is limited and registration is required. For more information or to register for the class, contact Connie Weber at 573-751-1224 or email her at connie.weber@dnr.mo.gov. Current River State Park is located at 11053 County Road 19D in Salem. For more information on state parks and historic sites, visit mostateparks.com. Missouri State Parks is a division of the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.
The Salem Community Choir will return to perform a concert Sunday afternoon at 2:00 on the Courthouse lawn. Selections being performed include “Dry Bones,” two Irish numbers, a salute to Judy Garland and selections from popular television shows. There is no charge to attend, and everyone is welcome. Refreshments will be served by the Cosmopolitan Club.