Local News – Wednesday, April 26th, 2023
The Salem Board of Aldermen held their regular meeting Tuesday evening at the City Hall Council Chambers. The board approved Resolution #14-2023 which is a contract renewal with the Department of Health and Senior Services for sewer shed disease monitoring. The city performs weekly tests of wastewater samples to identify the geographic distribution of SARS-CoV-2 and variants for indicators of community outbreaks. The City is reimbursed at $100 per weekly sample. City Finance Director Stacey Houston reported on the sales tax revenues and said the electric, water and sewer revenues are tracking more than budgeted but the expenses are as well. Total for this fiscal year that ends June 30th, the General Revenue Sales Tax Fund is $1,276,912 with $1,252,600 budgeted, the Park and Rec Sales Tax revenue is at $478,828 with $425,000 budgeted and the Capital Improvement Sales Tax revenue is at $638,457 with $650,000 budgeted. The total revenues for the city are $11.2 million with expenses of $9.2 million. There is a total of 7.1 million in the fund balances through March. The board approved the bid from Archer Elgin for a Lead Service Line Project that would inventory all lead water lines and include GIS mapping of lines. This project is part of the $150,000 ARPA funds received with a local match of $30,000 that will be included in the 2024 budget. The board approved Resolution #15-2023, a bid from R. Conway Construction for $23,000 for rehabilitation work at property located at 602 S. Warfel Street. They also approved Resolution #16-2023, a bid from 5 J’s Handyman Services for $21,050 for work at property located at 1103 S. Oak Street; as well as Resolution #17-2023, a bid from Mid Missouri Renovations for $23,450 for work at property located at 711 E. 4th Street. The board went on to approve Resolution #18-2023, a bid from R. Conway Construction for $32,200 for work at 1004 E. 1st Street. All of these projects are part of the “Welcome Home” Project with the homeowners being responsible for paying any bid over the grant approved amount of $23,000 per home. The board approved Resolution #19-2023 which is an agreement with Ameren Missouri for the use of city electric poles for an AMI system that will be used for natural gas services. This is a 20-year contract for 14 poles with the initial 10-year term paying $20 per attachment, then the next five years paying $25, and the second five-year term paying $30 per attachment. The board approved a bid for $3,000 from Lonnie Lundy, Gary Hawrysko and Jon Mihalka for the 1932 General Firetruck. The group agreed to keep the firetruck under cover, keep it in Dent County and if possible get it operable for parades. The Alderman are thankful to the three men that came together to keep the firetruck local. Mayor Parker reminded citizens of the City Wide Yard Sale on Saturday, May 6th. This will be followed by a city-wide cleanup The weeks of May 8th and 15th. Alderwoman Kala Sisco said a joint Finance and Capital Improvements Committee meeting at the Salem Community Center @ the Armory will be held at 6:00 on May 1st. She thanked Healthy Dent County for a holding the recent fun community event called the ‘Non Newlywed” Game. She also thanked them for sponsoring the recent youth volleyball league that was directed by Dottie Steelman. Several youth participated from outlying communities. Alderman Kyle Williams reported that the Cosmopolitan Club is collecting donations for a Fourth of July fireworks show. Donations can be dropped off at Gypsy’s Dream, Current River Kitchen or mailed to P.O. Box 11. The board then went into closed session.