Local News – Tuesday, September 26th, 2017
The Dent County Commission held their regular meeting Monday morning at the courthouse. Presiding Commissioner Darrell Skiles was ill and did not attend. District 1 Commissioner Dennis Purcell acted as Presiding Commissioner in Skiles’ absence. In the public comments, the commission applauded the Salem Marching Band on their efforts on Saturday, September 23rd at Sullivan earning second in their class, placing 8th in the finals and receiving overall captions for Drum Major and Color Guard; congratulating Alex Sellers and the Salem Alumni Foundation for having a great alumni event at the high school, and also to salute the City of Salem and the Salem Parks and Recreation Department as well as all the contributors that helped make “Billy’s Playground in Honor of Carol Perdue” at the Salem City Park a reality which is an all-accessible park that allows all children to play, even those who have a handicapped or a disability. In the road report, Commissioner Purcell stated grading would be done on Dent County Roads 5080 and 5610 that received rain Sunday. He said materials would also be added to county road 5610 and brush would be cut on county road 5440. District 2 Commissioner Gary Larson said brush would be cut on Dent County Roads 2405, 3233 and 6130. He went on to say materials would be added to county roads 2405 and 4380. Larson reported a crossover pipe would be installed on county road 4430 and materials would be added to that road. Zach Woolsey, a grant writer from Monarch Solutions, discussed the Neighborhood Assistance Grant the SMDH hospital is applying for to replace the roof, change the lighting to LED and also to get a new backup generator. The NAP grant would be for $350,000. The Commission voted 2-0 to go ahead and sign the certification showing their support of the project and that it did not violate any county ordinances. The next meeting of the Dent County Commission will be Thursday morning at 9:00 at the courthouse and the meeting is open to the public.
The City of Salem Park and Recreation Board will be meeting today at 5:30 at the City Administrative Offices. After the roll call and agenda is approved, the board will go into closed session to discuss Requests for Qualifications for the pool project. The open session will resume around 7:00 with a report from Park and Recreation Director Tye Lydon. He will give a program update on Flag Football, Co-Ed Volleyball and the upcoming basketball program. Lydon will also review all the improvements being made at the city parks since the last meeting. A report on the grand opening of Billy’s Playground at the City Park will be given followed by updates on work being done at the Al Brown Fields and Soccer Park. The Board will also hear details on a request to create an ATV recreational trail before hearing about the vandalism that occurred at the city park and measures taken to try to prevent that from happening in the future. The board will address any other business that comes before them before adjourning. The City of Salem Park and Recreation Board regular meeting is open to the public.
The Dent County Health Center Board of Trustees met on Monday, September 18th for their regular meeting. Administrator Kendra Mobray presented the preliminary audit report for 2015 and 2016 that was received from Maloney, Wright and Robbins on September 14th. According to the audit findings, proper cash balances were reported on all financial statements, all the bank accounts were adequately secured by pledged securities, all the property tax revenues were properly recorded and accounted for, and all revenue/receipts were properly accounted for. The audit also found there were no exceptions noted regarding credit cards and cash disbursements or expenditures, and all the wages reported as well as employee leave and overtime were verified with no exceptions or findings. The board approved the good audit report. The board also discussed and reviewed the updated personnel manual before approving the revised manual. Administrator Mobray reported the contract for WIC for fiscal year 2018 has been signed by Dent County Health Center and Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services. Mobray also reported that Roma Jones has completed and submitted all lodging inspections for 2017. Mobray said flu shots are now available at the Health Center. They are able to bill private insurance as well as child Medicaid. Flu shots are $37 for those who are uninsured. Mobray said there was one case of E Coli investigated by the communicable disease nurses as well as three cases of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Administrator Mobray reported the outpatient lab services will begin after building renovations are complete. The meeting was then adjourned.