Local News – Tuesday, September 21st, 2021
The Dent County Commissioners met Monday morning at the Dent County Courthouse. At the meeting, District 1 Commissioner Wes Mobray said workers will be pouring the concrete bridge floor and sides on Dent County Road 4210 this week, weather permitting. He also said he was almost finished with his Local Public Agency training for the MoDOT FLAP project and that it is still moving forward. District 2 Commissioner Gary Larson was not in attendance, so Travis Turner from District 2 gave the report. He said brush was being cut on county roads 3250 and 3260, and maintenance work was being done on trucks #69 and 75, and workers are also working on the tailgate for truck #116. Presiding Commissioner Darrell Skiles said he and Commissioner Mobray attended the Regional Economic Development meeting held on Tuesday, September 14th at Echo Bluff State Park. Skiles said it was very good meeting with over 45 people attending from numerous counties as well as Senator Blunt’s office and other officials to discuss the needs of the region, and talk about how they may be able to work together to help one another. Skiles also said he attended the Salem Area Community Betterment Association meeting last week and they will be having a “Trivia Night” on Saturday, October 23rd at the Farmers Market Pavilion starting at 5:30. Skiles stated Economic Development Director Sally Burbridge invited him to a meeting with Steelville Telephone Exchange Representative Kent Sherrow. Sherrow indicated they are looking to expand fiber optics into Dent County and Salem to provide additional high-speed Internet services. To find out how interested people are in having this service, Skiles said Steelville Telephone Exchange has targeted individuals that have slow or no Internet services to receive a survey in the mail with a QR Code that they can access through their smart phone. The response they receive will help them determine if there is enough interest from the people for the project to move forward. Dent County Health Center Director Zach Moser came by to visit with the commissioners. Dent County Treasurer Denita Williams last week attended the Missouri County Treasurer’s Association Conference at Old Kinderhook in Camdenton. Williams was elected president of the association and will serve in 2022 and 2023. The next meeting of the commission will be Monday morning at 9:00 at the courthouse and the meeting is open to the public.
The University of Missouri will be conducting a Home Food Preservation class the evening of Thursday, September 23rd from 6:00 until 8:00 at the Salem Community Center@The Armory. The class entitled Salsa, is a class that focuses on safe and correct food preservation methods in the home setting. Whether you are new to canning, or you just need a refresher on something you’ve been doing for years, University of Missouri Extension’s Food Preservation Series can help you preserve your produce safely and efficiently. Each participant will take part in hands on training in preparing and canning salsa! Due to the 2-hour time period of the class, the canned salsa produced in class will not be shelf stable. Home canned products must rest undisturbed for 12-24 hours after canning. The products of this class should be refrigerated and eaten within 7 days because they will be transported following canning. Don’t worry they will be tasty! The cost of the class is $25 and to register contact Rachel Buenemann online at rachelbuenemann@missouri.edu or call (573) 458-6260.
The Creative Arts Center in Salem will be offering a beginner’s oil painting class. The class will be one day per week for four weeks beginning Thursday, September 23rd then on September 30th and October 7th and 15th. Classes are being held from 9 until noon. The class will be taught by professional artist Tana Kettner. Necessary supplies will be provided. You will learn about color theory, painting techniques and other skills. No previous experience is necessary. The cost is $120 for all 4 session or $35 per 3-hour session. For questions or to register you may email salemartscouncil@outlook.com.
The City of Salem Utility Committee will be meeting Thursday evening at 6:00 at the Salem Community Center@The Armory. The meeting was called by the committee chairman, Shawn Bolerjack. The Utility Committee will be updated on utility billing, hear an update on the audit of the utility meter and billing project, hear an update on the utility bills layout, discuss the fiscal year 2021-2022 Utility and Street Department projects update, and receive an update on the Exceleron pre-paid project. The meeting will then be adjourned. The Utility Committee meeting is open to the public.