Local News – Tuesday, October 31st, 2017
The Dent County Commissioners met Monday morning for their regular meeting in the Dent County Courthouse. In the road report, District One Commissioner Dennis Purcell said that chip and seal work was being done on Dent County Road 6510, commonly called the Cedar Grove Road. His crew is digging up part of the roadway to replace the base in an area that has been a chronic problem. He encouraged motorists to be very cautious in the area. Purcell went on to say that grading would be done on Dent County Roads 6420, 6200, 6485 and 6505. District Two Commissioner Gary Larson was unable to attend the meeting due to a prior commitment so District Two Foreman Sam Gorman reported that grading would be done on and materials would be added to Dent County Roads 2070 and 3200, while grading only would be done on county road 4330. Gorman noted that brush cutter #6 was being serviced. Presiding Commissioner Darrell Skiles reported that he wanted to sincerely thank Salem and Dent County residents for the very large turnout for the MRPC Annual Dinner last Thursday evening. Skiles also noted that Sherri Lea and the staff at Salem Community Center @ the Armory did a tremendous job of preparing the facility for the event. Dr. Ted Ziske was in to be recognized as the recipient of MRPC’s highest honor, the Eugene E. Northern Award for Volunteerism and Community Service. Bonnie Prigge and Anne Freand from the MRPC, along with MoDOT District Engineer Preston Cramer, were in to go over Dent County’s Transportation needs. Also attending were MRPC Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) members Gary Brown, Ray Walden and Bob Parsons, plus Michelle Sapaugh representing SMTS. Prigge noted that Dent County’s priorities would be presented at the MRPC’s TAC meeting as the eight county region develops its list of priorities for MoDOT. Cramer reviewed the County’s transportation needs of over 20 projects currently on the list. Skiles, who is also a TAC member, suggested that the bridge on the west edge of Boss be added to the list. Brown and Skiles both made note of the truck traffic concerns with the Highway 72 extension to the west side of Rolla for US Foods, Doe Run, the timber industry, etc. The final priorities for Prigge and Freand to take back for the MRPC TAC meeting were #1 Route FF bridge over Norman Creek, #2 improvements on Highway 68 from Phelps County line to Highway 19, and a tie for #3 of Highway 19 bridge over Gladden Creek and the construction of a bridge on Highway TT over Crooked Creek. The next meeting of the Commission will be Thursday morning in the Courthouse and the meeting is open to the public.
Rolla’s Recycling Center will stop collection of household hazardous waste November 1st for the season. Those wishing to clear out last minute items including automotive products, adhesives, CFL Light Bulbs, oil based paint, stain, thinners, varnish, or most cleaning products, should make an appointment prior to November 1st to drop these items off at the Rolla Recycling Center. Business hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and the number to contact is 573-364-6693. Household hazardous wastes are accepted at the St. Robert Recycle Center year-round. Business hours for them are Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Contact 573-336-5155 to schedule an appointment with St. Robert Recycling Center. Ozark Rivers Solid Waste Management District and Meramec Regional Planning Commission work in conjunction with both recycling centers to reduce the amount of waste going in to landfills by up to 40 percent in the Meramec Region. The Ozark Rivers Solid Waste Management District includes Crawford, Dent, Gasconade, Maries, Phelps, Pulaski and Washington counties and their respective cities with populations of 500 or more. MRPC provides administration of the district and assists with a variety of implementation projects. For more information bout ORSWMD or waste reduction and recycling opportunities in the Ozark Rivers area, contact Tammy Snodgrass, MRPC environmental programs manager, at (573) 265-2993 or by email at tsnodgrass@meramecregion.org.
An accident happened Sunday night at 7:05 in Texas County on Highway 32 just easy of Bailey Road. According to the highway patrol report, a 2007 Jeep Compass driven eastbound by 17-year old Ashley Sellers of Salem, struck a deer in the roadway. Sellers and a passenger, 16-year old Lyndsey Sellers of Salem, each suffered minor injuries. Ashley was taken by a private vehicle to the Salem Memorial District Hospital while Lyndsey refused treatment at the scene. Both were wearing seat restraints at the time of the accident. The Jeep was totaled and removed from the scene by Whitaker’s Towing of Salem.
An accident happened Monday at 12:12 in the afternoon in Phelps County on Route O about six miles south of Rolla. According to the highway patrol report, a 1993 Ford F-150 driven south-bound by 50-year old Rodney Trolinger of Licking, traveled off the left side of he roadway and struck a utility box and a tree. Trolinger suffered serious injuries and was flown by Phelps Air to Mercy Hospital in St. Louis. The Ford was totaled and Trolinger was not wearing a seat restraint at the time of the accident.