Local News – Tuesday, October 2nd, 2019

The Dent County Health Center Board of Trustees met September 19th at the Health Center. Administrator Kendra Mobray reported that outpatient lab services were provided for 81 clients in August. She said that the application for Show-Me Healthy Women was approved by the CDC and that the WISEWOMAN application is till pending. Mobray said that Ashley Peyton will be coordinating both projects and hopes to have services available before the end of the year, plus Roma Jones and Chrysta Hinderlinter would be attending breastfeeding peer counselor training in early October. She also stated that the prep visit with SEMA scheduled for September was re-scheduled for December 13th due to the building repairs. Mobray said that Flu shots are now available at the Health Center on a walk-in basis with Flulaval, for ages 6 months and up, Flublock, for those with egg allergies, and High Dose Fluzone for ages 65 and up. The Health Center is able to bill private insurance and child Medicaid. Mobray went on to say that Flu shots are $37.00 for adults who are uninsured, plus if places of business or job sites are interested in holding Flu shot clinics they should contact the Dent County Health Center at 573-729-3106. The Health Center reported two cases of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, one case of Erlichia Chaffeensis, two cases of Campylobacteriosis, and one case in August of Crytosporidiosis, plus the Health Center investigated two animal bites. The DCHC expenses for August were approved and the next regular board meeting was set for October 17th at 5:00. The meeting was then adjourned.

The City of Salem “City Wide Yard Sale” will be this Saturday. You can pick up maps at the convenience stores in Salem, City of Salem Administrative Offices, Salem Area Chamber of Commerce Office and the map was also published in Tuesday’s Salem News. If you would like to sell your products and you need a place to do so, there are spaces available at the City Administrative Offices parking lot. The cost per space is $8.00 each and there are only a few spaces left. If you are interested in reserving a space, contact the Administrative Office at 729-4811 or stop by the administrative offices at 400 North Iron Street.

The Dent County Fire Protection District Board of Directors meeting took place at 6:00 Monday evening, September 30th. After the call to order, a motion was made and carried to approve the consent agenda and minutes from the previous meeting as presented. Bills were reviewed and approved with an ending balance of $165,382.49 as of the end of July. There was no reimbursement report due to the fact that the month was not yet over at the time of the meeting. The budget was reviewed and approved. The calendar review made note that October is fire prevention month and, due to construction, events were being re-arranged as needed with school tours and events originally scheduled at the department. In old business it was reported that construction and renovation at the fire station is progressing on schedule. Nick Cahill from Cahill Construction did a walk around with the board explaining and answering questions. He then addressed the board with a proposal to repair the water damage in the upstairs area that would include repairing water damaged studs and joists and painting and repairing the ceiling in the bay area. The estimated cost presented was $205,000.00. The board asked for a breakdown of costs before making a decision. Chief Brad Nash reported the construction of the roof is scheduled to start on Wednesday and the parking lot is scheduled for this week as well and the front doors in about 3 weeks. The date for the next meeting was set for November 5th at 6 p.m. at the fire station. The meeting was then adjourned.