Local News – Tuesday, November 28th, 2017
The Dent County Commissioners met Monday morning at the courthouse. At the meeting, Dent County Collector Dennis Medlock announced the Collector’s Office will have extended hours on December 27th, 28th and 29th from 8:00 until 5:30 for those who want to pay their taxes in person. Berniece Lea was in asking the commission to look into a tax issue she has where she is being charged a well tax but she is on county water and says she doesn’t have a well. She said she has discussed this with the Assessor’s office but has not gotten anywhere. Presiding Commissioner Darrell Skiles said he would look into it and get back with her. In the road report, District 1 Commissioner Dennis Purcell said materials would be added and grading done on Dent County Road 5610 which is part of the Title 2 Project that will be completed soon. Purcell said a man would be cutting brush on Dent County 5600 better know as the Turtle Loop and another man would be replacing road signs that have been vandalized or stolen. District 2 Commission Gary Larson indicated that materials would be added and grading done on Dent County Road 2020 while only grading would be done on county road 5240. Larson said brush would be cut on county road 2130 while another man would be going to Springfield for oil for chip and seal repair. Commissioner Skiles reported that he along with the other commissioners, treasurer, recorder and county clerk attended the Missouri Association of Countries Conference from Sunday through Tuesday of last week. Skiles said 104 of 114 counties were represented at the conference. Discussions were held on medical marijuana, prevailing wage, prescription monitoring program and more. Skiles did say a resolution was adopted by MAC for the repeal of the Prevailing Wage Law in Missouri. Skiles stated he and Commissioner Larson would be attending an Ozark Rivers Solid Waste Management District Awards Dinner and meeting tonight at the MRPC offices where they recognize those people who are moving forward with waste reduction and recycling efforts. After payroll was approved, Commissioner Skiles signed the renewal for 2018 Health Insurance, MAGIC, which is a Cox Health Plan. Bids were then opened for the Road and Bridge Department sale of surplus property. After some discussion on the bids, the commission agreed 3-0 to accept the bid from Schwartz Sales, LLC for the 1998 Ford Dump Truck $3,500. He also won the bid for the 2001 Dodge 1500 Truck for $550.00. Other bid winners included JasonTuttle who won the bid for the 1995 Ford Dump Truck for $5,000.00, Ron Anderson who won the 16-foot Utility Trailer for $333.33, and Rusty Chamberlain who won the small lot of Owners Manuals for $9.50 and the small lot of N.O.S. Miscellaneous Filters for $10.50. Prosecutor, Andrew Curley came in to discuss a Burlington Railroad Right-of-Way. The property owners are Pete Kraus, Jr and Kathleen Kraus and they requested the county do a quit claim deed to a portion of the property. Property is in the Cook Station area. The Commission agreed 3-0 to sign the Quit-Claim Deed. The commission also agreed to sign the 2018 contract for Healthy Dent County, Rural Addressing for $12,000. The next meeting of the commission will be Thursday morning at 9:00 at the courthouse and it is open to the public.
The Salem Police have released a number of reports. On Thursday morning, November 16th at approximately 7:52, an officer was sent to the Salem High School in reference an assault. The investigation of the report revealed a 14-year old male juvenile of Salem had punched a 13-year old male juvenile of Salem. The suspect was detained and later released to his parent. The report will be forwarded to the Juvenile Office. The early morning Friday, November 17th at 2:51, officers were conducting a narcotics investigation at a residence in the 300 block of North Park. The investigation revealed a 33- year old female of Salem and a 23-year old male of Rolla were in possession of numerous controlled substances. The investigation is ongoing. On Monday, November 20th at 9:22 in the morning, a vehicle was stopped for a traffic violation. That stop led to the arrest of a 71-year old female of Salem for failing to maintain financial responsibility. The suspect was issued a summons to appear in court and released. On Thanksgiving Day at about 12:33 in the early morning, an officer was contacted in reference to a theft. The investigation of the report revealed that a person or persons unknown stole 50 gallons of fuel from a semi truck parked near Missouri Highway 19 and Rolla Road. The report is under investigation. Please contact the Salem Police Department at 729-4242 if you have information regarding any ongoing investigation.