Local News – Tuesday, May 17th, 2022
The Dent County Commission met Monday morning at the Dent County Courthouse. Dent County Clerk Angie Curley was not in attendance due to prior commitments. In the road report, District 1 Commissioner Wes Mobray said materials would be added and grading done on Dent County Road 6580, plus materials would be added to county roads 4210 and 4220 where patch grading was occurring due to some washouts caused by the heavy rains over the weekend. Mobray indicated Dent County Road 5550 would also be graded. In District 2, Commissioner Gary Larson said materials would be added to Dent County Roads 2320 and 2540 as part of the Conservation Rock Contract. He went on to report grading would be done on county roads 3090, 3100, 3120, 3130 and 3180. Both districts reported they had crews out removing downed trees that were blown down over the weekend from the storms. Presiding Commissioner Darrell Skiles said he attended the public informational meeting Thursday night at Montauk State Park to find out what will be happening at the park. Skiles stated that a lot of updating and improving will be done, plus it appears the parking lot at the lodge will get extensive repairs and possibly be repaved. Skiles said information from the Department of Natural Resources showed that over 559,000 visitors in 2020 and over 483,000 last year used Montauk State Park facilities to camp, fish, eat or lodge. Skiles discussed with the commissioners about the need of a county owned UTV for the Dent County Sheriff’s Department. They had one loaned to them in the past, but Skiles said with the terrain found in Dent County, if a person should get lost and a search is needed, the county should have a UTV at their disposal quickly that could also carry a gurney for emergencies. Skiles said this could be paid for out of the ARPA funds. The commissioners agreed and Skiles will ask Sheriff Bob Wells to prepare specs for the UTV best suited for use in Dent County. The commission will advertise for bids next week and anyone interested in bidding can contact the Dent County Sheriff’s Department for more information at 729-3241. Bids will be opened at 10:00 on Monday, June 6th. Dent County Treasurer Denita Williams gave the report on the National Forest Service monies received by the county. In 2021, the county received a total of $182,710.24, and this year they received a total of $248,199.07. That money is divided up amongst the schools affected by the Mark Twain National Forest as well as the county Road and Bridge Fund. The Bunker R-3 School District will receive $72,039.78; Salem R-80 will get $45,532.12; Oak Hill R-1 will receive $37,602.16; the Iron County C-4 Schools in Viburnum will get $29,392.98 and Northwood R-4 will receive $1,582.26. The Dent County Road and Bridge Fund will receive 25% of the monies received and that comes to $62,049.77. The next meeting of the Dent County Commission will be Thursday morning at 9:00 at the courthouse and the meeting is open to the public.
An event to share information about Double Up Food Bucks, an incentive program that matches SNAP (food assistance) dollars spent at farmers markets and grocery stores in Kansas and Missouri so that SNAP recipients have greater access to fresh vegetables and fruits, will be held Wednesday morning at 10:00 at Country Mart on Highway 32-72 East in Salem. Details about the impact of the program to date will be given by Donna Martin, the Project Director of Double Up Heartland and Public Health Program Manager of the Mid-America Regional Council in Kansas City, as well as Joe Polizzi who is the President and CEO of Town & Country Supermarkets. Other speakers are expected including elected officials such as 143rd State Representative Ron Copeland and Mayor Greg Parker of Salem. Double Up Food Bucks provides a dollar-for-dollar match on SNAP shoppers’ purchases of fresh vegetables and fruit at participating locations. At Town & Country Supermarkets, customers who shop with their SNAP/EBT card will receive a 50% discount on their purchases of fresh vegetables and fruit. Town & Country Supermarkets started offering Double Up Food Bucks at 29 of its Missouri stores on May 4th.
The Salem Board of Aldermen will hold a special meeting tonight at 6:15 at the Salem Community Center@The Armory to consider Bill #3506 which would create an ordinance amending Chapter 115, Article II, Section 115.160 addressing staffing needs that may arise in relation to the position of City Clerk. The meeting, called by Mayor Greg Parker, is open to the public.