Local News – Tuesday, March 8th, 2022
The Dent County Commission met Monday morning for its regular meeting. In the public comments, Executive Director Sherry Lea of Healthy Dent County and coordinator Shawn Bolerjack were in attendance to inform the commissioners of the Run Salem 5K/10K and Color Run to be held May 28th in Salem. They said they were going to request that portions of 4th Street be shut down from Highway 19 west to Washington Street, and from Highway 19 east to Pershing from 6:30 in the morning until noon from the Salem Board of Aldermen. Packets for the run will be distributed at the Bank of Salem Courtesy Room. There will be a 5K and 10K as well as a Color Run. They just wanted to let the commissioners know of their plans. Dent County and City of Salem Economic Development Director Sally Burbridge said there are 269 business or merchant’s licenses in Salem and Dent County. She said there are 27 buildings and 19 sites that are available for sale. She said the certified site is moving forward and that four business with Dent County ties have used the Meramec Regional Development Corporation funds to expand or create their business that has helped create or retain 27 jobs. You can contact Burbridge for more information about the MRDC funding at 729-2428. In the road report, District 1 and District 2 work crews are out checking for washouts and repairing those areas after Sunday night’s rain. District 1 Commissioner Wes Mobray said brush would be cut on county road 2400 and they are still waiting on the fuel pump for the grader. District 2 Commissioner Gary Larson said materials would be added to Dent County Roads 3090 and 3100. Larson went on to say that crews will also be out replacing stolen or missing road signs. Larson said the county put out for bids for 7,000 gallons of Diesel and the winning bid was from MFA for $3.7693. Presiding Commissioner Darrell Skiles said he would be attending a Ozark Rivers Solid Waste management District Executive Board meeting this morning. County Clerk Angie Curley reported the Dent County Sheriff’s Department would like to seek bids on the sale of a 2011 Dodge Charger. Bids will be opened at 10:00 in the morning on March 28th at the commissioner’s office. Bids may be dropped off or mailed to the Dent County Clerk’s Office in the courthouse, but they MUST be received by 10:00 Monday morning, March 28th. She said the last day to register to vote for the April 5th Municipal Election will be Wednesday, and that absentee voting for that election is going on now. She also stated she balanced with the collector and assessor on all collections, abatements and add-ons for the month of February. Curt Faigel from the 100-Acre Wood Rally was in attendance at 11:00 to discuss the rally with the commission. The next meeting will be Thursday morning at the courthouse and the meeting will be open to the public.
The City of Salem Board of Aldermen will meet this evening at 6:00 at the City Hall Council Chambers. The board will hear from David Hancock who will request the closure of East 4th Street from Pershing to Highway 19 and West 4th Street from Highway 19 to Washington Street for the Run Salem 5K/10K event on May 28th. They will also hear from Michael Florence about closing of streets for the “Not Elvis” Fest that will be held September 17th. After the consent agenda is approved, the board will hear and discuss Bill #3500 which would create an ordinance to accept the Missouri Highway and Transportation Commission Amendment #2 for the State Block Grant Agreement; and then hear and discuss Bill #3501 that would create an ordinance amending the code of ordinances pertaining to the disconnections of utility services. The board will hear and discuss Resolution #5-2022 which authorizes the mayor to enter into a fee agreement between the City of Salem and Healy Law Offices, LLC for representation and consulting regarding negotiations of utility pole attachments and other matters as directed; then hear and discuss Resolution #6-2022 which would allow for the city administrator enter into an agreement between the City of Salem and Caterpillar Financial Services Corporation for the lease of a new 2022 Caterpillar 289D3 Compact Track Loader. The board will hear reports from City Administrator Ray Walden, Mayor Kim Steelman, Public Works Director Mark Nash, Economic Development Director Sally Burbridge, Park and Recreation Director Melissa DuBois and any alderman reports. The board may then go into closed session to discuss contracts before they adjourn. The meeting is open to the public.
An accident occurred Sunday evening around 6:10 in Phelps County on Highway 8 just south of St. James. According to the highway patrol report a 2004 Audi TT driven by 46-year-old Stephen Pontremoli of St. James was travelling westbound and crossed the center line and struck head on by a 1997 GMC Sierra driven by 59-year-old Wayne Haggard of St. Louis who was travelling eastbound. Pontremoli suffered moderate injuries. An occupant 61-year-old Deborah Haggard of St. John of the GMC suffered minor injuries. Both injured parties were transported by St. James Ambulance to Phelps Health. The Audi was totaled, and the GMC sustained extensive damage both vehicles were removed from the scene by Spurgeon’s Towing.
The City of Salem Park and Recreation Board will meet tonight at 6:00 in the Rotary Room of the Salem Community Center@The Armory. The agenda will include a discussion of a new vehicle for the Park and Recreation Department. There will also be a follow-up on the Frisbee Golf Course, a discussion on prices for the pool for the upcoming season before any other business is discussed. The Park Board will also discuss a People Centric Strategic Plan for the park board. The regular meeting is open to the public.