Local News – Tuesday, March 22nd, 2022
The Dent County Commission met Monday morning at the courthouse. In the road report, District 1 Commissioner Wes Mobray stated patch grading would be done on the roads used in the road rally over the weekend. He said grading will be done on Dent County Road 2430 while driveway culverts will be installed on county road 4170 in the Adams Subdivision and on county road 4124. District 2 Commissioner Gary Larson said materials would be added and grading done on Dent County Roads 4330 and 4340. Presiding Commissioner Darrell Skiles reported on the meeting held Thursday in Springfield he attended with Attorney Travis Elliott while a staff member from the Department of Revenue along with a legal representative and finally their chief counsel attended by Zoom. The meeting lasted about three hours and department has not yet provided the information requested by Attorney Elliott. The department indicated they would be getting him more information and another meeting will be scheduled in the near future to address the situation. Skiles also said Tuesday is the 1st anniversary of the Dent County Commission and Dent County Sheriff’s Department signing the Dent County 2nd Amendment Preservation Act. Skiles went on to say the county thanks all those who volunteered to help with the 100 Acre in the Wood Road Rally this past weekend in making it a tremendous success. Dent County Clerk Angie Curley reminds everyone that Wednesday is the last day to apply for and mail out an absentee ballot for the April 5th Municipal Election. She also said if you need to update your registration or your address to stop by her office in the courthouse or call 729-4144. The commission agreed to let bid specs out for culverts and they will be due back in the office by 10:00 in the morning on April 4th. Dent County Sheriff Bob Wells came in and discussed jail sewer problems. JWC Environmental is the sole source for Muffin Monster Parts and Equipment to perform repairs. Dent County Health Director Zack Moser came in to notify the Commission that there will be a vacancy on the board. Due to the Health Department not advertising in time and holding an election, he will get legal advice and get back to the Commission. The next meeting of the commissioners will be Thursday morning at 9:00 at the courthouse and the meeting is open to the public.
A road closure hearing will be held Thursday morning at 10:00 at the Dent County Judicial Building in the Associate Circuit Courtroom and not at the Dent County Commission Offices as what was originally planned due to an expected large crowd. The hearing is to close 1.2 miles of Dent County Road 5490 between the farms owned by Donny Hodges. Those in favor or in opposition may attend the hearing or may give letters to the Dent County Clerk in advance of the meeting in support or opposition to the closure if you are unable to attend. The hearing will be open to the public.
The Salem R-80 Board of Education in closed session Thursday hired speech language pathologist Kaylie Jay, upper elementary teacher Katlyn Swyers and upper elementary Special Education teacher Melynda Dillon. The board reassigned Marty Anderson to the position of Special Programs Director and assigned Tori Snitker to the position of High School Principal for the 2022-2023 school year. They also reassigned Branden Piatt to the position of Assistant High School Principal for the 2022-2023 school year. In sports, the board employed head football coach Bryson Barnes, head volleyball coach Kristen Barnes, Bryan Carty as varsity boys’ basketball coach, Derek Freeman as head track coach, Tony Edwards as head baseball coach, Will Hubbs as head tennis coach, Travis Sampson as head cross country coach, Kyle Anderson as head golf coach. They also employed Bryan Carty, Kyle Anderson, Dustin Bell and Tony Edwards as an assistant football coaches, and Mark Howard and Jared Patterson as the middle school football coaches. The board went on to hire Elizabeth Hogan for fall cheerleading, Courtney Smith for middle school cheerleading, Kristen Barnes as the middle school volleyball coach; Andy Felkerson as the assistant boys’ basketball coach, Chris Kamprath as the 8th grade boys’ basketball, Calvin Malone as the 7th grade boys’ basketball coach, Travis Sampson and Chris Kamprath as assistant track coaches. Probationary instructors were also hired for all Salem R-80 schools before closed session was exited and the board meeting was adjourned.
The City of Salem Board of Aldermen will meet Tuesday evening at 6:00 at the City Hall Council Chambers. After the consent agenda is approved, the board will hear and discuss Resolution 7-2022, authorizing the mayor to execute an agreement between the City of Salem and the Meramec Regional Planning Commission for housing inspection services. The board will also discuss Resolution 8-2022, that amends the City of Salem’s utility policy regarding utility disconnect date for non-payment. Ordinance 3502 will be heard and discussed by the board authorizing the mayor to make a change order between the city and Smith Edwards Construction for specified sewer system improvements, while Resolution #9-2022 will propose another change order between the City of Salem and Donald Maggi, Inc. for a grinder pump station and sewer work south of the Spring Creek crossing on Highway 72. The board will hear reports from City Administrator Ray Walden, Mayor Kim Steelman, Public Works Director Mark Nash, Economic Development Director Sally Burbridge, Park and Recreation Director Melissa DuBois and any alderman who wants to give a report. Then the board will go over new business that includes a request from Sierra Rusco to hold a Salem R-80 senior parade on May 14th at 5:00 PM. The board may then go into closed session to discuss contracts before they adjourn. The meeting is open to the public.
The Salem Memorial District Hospital Board of Directors will conduct their March meeting tonight at 6:00 in the hospital library. Hospital Interim Administrator Bill May will report on the summary of the operations and statistics for the month of February while the board will hear the Chief Nursing Officer report from Ashley Sullins. The board will also hear a report on the hospital foundation, as well as the marketing and community perception report, followed by the Chief of Staff Report. In old business, the board will hear a report on the Cerner conversion, and a lab update, COVID-19 update and a report on the Delta Regional Community Health System Development Program. In new business the board will be updated on the lagoon closure. The board may vote to go into closed session. The SMDH Board meeting tonight at the hospital library is open to the public.