Local News – Tuesday, June 18th, 2019
The Dent County Commissioners met Monday morning at the courthouse. In the road report, District 1 Commissioner Dennis Purcell stated Dent County Road 5170 would have materials added and grading done while only grading would be done on county roads 4253, 4255, 5410 and 5440. Purcell added that patching would be done on chip and seal road 6240 while brush would be cut on county road 4110. Purcell indicated that a crew would be covering a washout on a culvert where the edges washed away on Dent County Road 6380. District 2 Commissioner Gary Larson reported materials would be added and grading done on Dent County Roads 2210 and 4280 while only grading would be done on Dent County Roads 3120, 3130, 3180 and 4270. Larson did say materials would be added to county road 3140. Presiding Commissioner Darrell Skiles said he would be attending an Ozark Solid Waste Management District Board meeting today and then attend the Feral Hog open house in Rolla at the Signature Event Center at 1701 Martin Springs Drive from 6:00 to 8:00 PM tonight. He also wanted to recognize the Dent County Sheriff’s Department for the follow-up on a trash dump on county road 3200. The person they found responsible for the dumping of trash plead guilty and received a sizable fine and will have to do community service. The commission did not receive any bids to purchase a pickup truck for the road and bridge department. They will rebid the request for the bids to purchase a truck and the bids will be open at 10:00 on July 8th. The commissioners went into closed session at 10:30 in the exit meeting with the state auditors to hear their recommendations and for the auditors to note the responses or plans of action that will be taken by the county to correct any issues found. The next meeting of the commissioners will be Thursday morning at 9:00 at the courthouse and the meeting is open to the public.
The Salem Board of Aldermen met for their regular meeting after a Planning and Zoning Workshop Monday night at the City Hall Council Chambers. In bids, the board approved the bid from Heavin Motors for the purchase of a new Ford motor and installation for $4,967.70 in a 2008 Ford F-150 pickup for the Electric Department. The board could have chosen to repair the head gasket, but opted instead for a new motor that gives the city a three-year unlimited mileage warranty on the motor. After the consent agenda was approved, Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission Gary Brown reported on the workshop held prior to the meeting about the zoning changes necessitated by the passing of State Amendment 2 that legalizes the sale of medical marijuana. Brown thanked City of Salem Economic Development Director Sally Burbridge for the information she was able to provide to the commission. Brown said another workshop would be held on Monday, June 24th at 6:00 with a public hearing and meeting scheduled for Thursday, June 27th at 6:00. City Administrator Ray Walden said the Airport Board would be meeting at the Salem Community Center@The Armory. He also said the citizens of the city can stop by the old middle school this Friday from 2:00 until 4:00 and pick up a brick from the old cafeteria which has already been removed from the building. He said he would like to limit each family to one brick. He also said the Economic Workshop scheduled for June 27th has been rescheduled to July 11th due to the public hearing and meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. The board approved Resolution 14-2019 that authorizes the mayor to sign a proposal between the City of Salem and Cahill Construction, Inc. for the excavating, geo-grid and rock grubbing of the north parking lot at the Salem Community Center@The Armory to make room for the new gymnasium project by Healthy Dent County. The cost of this project is $21,900. The board also approved Resolution #15-2019 that allows the mayor to sign a memorandum of understanding with the Board of Governors of Missouri State University-West Plains for the use of the space in the city hall basement for the Adult Education and Literacy classes. The board approved Bill #3419 that approved the real estate transaction between the City of Salem and Sherman and Marsha Odom for the exchange of the property on Highway 19 south that was purchased for the development of the soccer fields, and the property at 600 South Grand known as the old fairgrounds that will be the future home of the Park and Recreation Department soccer fields in Salem. The city also has to pay the Odom’s $150,000 for the difference in the value of the properties. The board placed a contingent approval on the application by the “The Finest Place” trailer court on Truman for their business license for the next year. The license is contingent on the removal of three disabled vehicles and the repair or replacement of a porch on one unit by June 30th of this year. The board also approved the appointment of Joe Brand to the Library Board to replace Natalie Sellers who resigned from the board. The alderman then voted to go into closed session to discuss contracts and personnel.
A large crowd turned out Friday night for the first Downtown Salem Historic Ghost Tour. It was estimated that about 400 people showed up for the tour that was led by Jacob Stotler. It is reported another tour will be scheduled for those who could not attend this one.