Local News, Tuesday, July 26, 2022
The Dent County Commission met Monday morning at the courthouse for their regular meeting. Dent County Treasurer Denita Williams presented the CART money received in July and reported the Road and Bridge Fund received $68,696.84 which is $2,835.64 more than the 2021 figure of $65,861.20. The increase year-to-date is $26,457.51 which comes to about a 6.36% increase. Williams also said a $40,000 budgeted transfer from the Inmate Security Fund was made to the new Jail Operations Fund. That leaves $20,000 yet to be transferred as per the budget after a $60,000 transfer was made in March. In the road report, District 1 Commissioner Wes Mobray said brush was being cut on Dent County Road 5110 and all the other crew members were stock piling rock at the road and bridge maintenance shed. District 2 Commissioner Gary Larson said materials were being hauled to Dent County Road 2330 and crews were out checking other roads for possible washouts. Larson went on to say two men would be going to Jefferson City to pickup truck #116 from Knapheide after they repaired the hydraulic problem. Presiding Commissioner Darrell Skiles stated before the rains received Monday, the drought condition this year will probably end up worse than the one in 2012 when it was dry early in the year, but fertilizer had been put down allowing the grass to came to life when the rains came in August and September. This year with the cost of fertilizer so high, most farmers couldn’t afford to put that down in the spring so the long-term affect this year for grass may be worse. Skiles said he would be attending a Meramec Community Enhancement Corporation meeting on Wednesday afternoon. Dent County Clerk Angie Curley said the August Primary is fast approaching. Absentee voting continues in her office until 5:00 on August 1st and voters will need to choose a specific party ballot when they vote between the Republican, Democrat, Libertarian or the Constitution Party. She also said her office will be open this Saturday, July 30th from 8:00 in the morning until noon for absentee voting. Election Day will be Tuesday, August 2nd from 6:00 in the morning until 7:00 in the evening. You still have time to change your voter registration if you have moved or had a name change. Come by the county clerk’s office at the courthouse and get that taken care of before Tuesday. Don’t forget to bring an ID with you to vote. This could be your driver’s license, a government issued ID, your electric or gas bill, college ID, or bank statement. If you have any questions, please call her office at 729-4144. The next meeting of the Dent County Commissioners will be Thursday morning at 9:00 at the courthouse and the meeting is open to the public.
The Salem Senior Center will be hosting a lunch with State Representative Ron Copeland this Wednesday morning at 11:30 at 604 N McGrath Lane. Everyone is welcome to attend. Lunch is served until 1:00.
The City of Salem Board of Aldermen will hold their regular meeting tonight at the city hall council chambers at 6:00. The board will hear from Jenna Deason asking to close the roads around the courthouse including Iron, 4th and 5th Streets for an October music festival that includes kids’ games and vendors. The board will also hear from Town Screen, LLC about their video network in Salem that focuses on local business and activities. After the consent agenda, the board will discuss Bill #3513 that would create an ordinance pertaining to the appointment of a temporary city administrator; and they will discuss Bill #3514 that would create an ordinance for the mayor to execute contingency allowance #4 between the city and ESP for additional requested duct work for the old city hall for $1,768. The board will hear bids on transformers for the electric department before hearing from City Administrator Ray Walden and Mayor Greg Parker. The board will also hear from Public Works Director Mark Nash who will discuss an emergency purchase of a sewer machine before Economic Development Director Sally Burbridge gives her report and Park and Recreation Director Meliss Dubois gives her report. The aldermen at that time will be able to present their reports. The board will then go into closed session to discuss contracts, personnel and real estate. The meeting of the city of Salem Board of Alderman Tuesday is open to the public.
The Salem Board of Education in closed session Thursday evening employed Becca Hays as the assistant girls’ basketball coach and Jordan McLaurin was transferred to assistant boys’ basketball coach. The board also approved setting the administrator salary schedule based on the number of years as an administrator. The meeting was then adjourned. A correction to the story from Monday where it was written the board accepted the resignation of Julie Harris. They did not accept her resignation, but they did institute the late resignation penalty as outlined in the board policies as written. We apologize for the error.
The Creative Arts Center will be offering a kid’s summer mini art camp with Danielle Norris. The camp will be three days starting Wednesday from 8:30 in the morning till 11:30. The camp is $60 per child and includes all supplies needed plus a small snack each day. Projects will revolve around learning and nature. The targeted age group for the camp is grades first through nineth. There will be an informal art show Friday morning at 11:15 for parents. To sign up call or text 573-247-0651. Or visit our website at: salemcommunitybetterment.com.