Local News – Tuesday, July 20th, 2021
The Dent County Commissioners met Monday morning at the Dent County Courthouse. At the meeting, District 1 Commissioner Wes Mobray said grading would be done on Dent County Roads 5390, 5500, 6370, 6380 and 6670 while brush would also be cut on county roads 6370 and 6380. He reported a crew would be installing a driveway pipe purchased by the owner of the property on Dent County Road 5015, and a man would be going to Springfield to get oil for chip and seal repair. District 2 Commissioner Gary Larson said grading would be done on Dent County Roads 4350 and 4353, while materials would be added and grading done on county road 4010. He stated materials would be added and patch grading done along with a culvert being repaired on Dent County Road 4020 where water overflowed across the road over the weekend. Larson indicated other workers would be checking for washouts in the Sligo and Boss areas from the heavy rains they received. He added brush would be cut on county roads 3180 and 3220, and service on Grader #37 would be performed later this week. Presiding Commissioner Darrell Skiles said he attended a meeting last Wednesday at the Salem Community Center@The Armory on the next generation of the 9-1-1 system that will be coming down from the state. More information on that will be forthcoming in the near future. Dent County Sheriff Bob Wells has requested the county advertise the sale of two vehicles from the Sheriff’s Department: a 2009 Chevy Trailblazer with 175,000 plus miles and a 1998 Dodge with 157,000 plus miles. Bids on those vehicles will be accepted in the county clerk’s office until 10:00 Monday, August 2nd. Please indicate on your envelope the bid is for the vehicles for the sheriff’s department. The Road and Bridge Department also has surplus property to sell. Included will be three trucks, and old brush cutter, chainsaws and more. The items will be available for viewing at the Dent County Road and Bridge Department on Highway 32-72 West. If you want to submit a bid, please drop it off at the Dent County Clerk’s Office at the courthouse by August 9th at 10:00 and mark your envelope “Road and Bridge Equipment bid.” Dent County Clerk Angie Curley said she balanced with the collector and assessor on all collections, abatements and add-ons for the month of June. Commissioner Skiles said he received a communication from Bonnie Prigge from the MRPC that a meeting will be held soon on what the ARPA funds the county will be receiving can be used for in the near future. The board approved setting the tax levy hearing for August 23rd at 10:00 at the courthouse for the General Revenue Fund, Road and Bridge Fund, SB 40 Fund and Senior Citizens Service Fund. At 10:00, the commission opened bids for their required financial audit and received two bids. The first from Daniel Jones and Associates from Arnold was for $16,500 and the other was from Devereux and Company from St. Charles for $15,000. The commission went with the low bid. Devereux and Company have done the last two audits for the county. At the last meeting, the commission heard the monthly turnover report from Collector Shannon VanKirk. She also said that as of last week, there were eight properties that did not get their 2018 real estate taxes paid in full by June 30th. The commissioners also approved the Tech Electronics three-year contract to perform the fire inspections at the Dent County Jail at an annual cost of $1,020. The next meeting of the Dent County Commissioners will be Monday at 9:00 at the courthouse.
The City of Salem Utility Committee will be meeting this evening at 6:00 at the Salem Community Center @ The Armory, 1200 West Rolla Road. The meeting was called by committee chair Shawn Bolerjack. On the agenda will be an update on utility billing and discussion of utility shut offs. The committee will also review a financial update on the fiscal year 2021-2022 budget along with discussion of the February cold snap bill and utility rates. Other items on the agenda include a discussion of utility and street department projects for fiscal year 2021-2022 and the Exceleron pre-paid project update and finally a discussion on high water consumption before adjourning. The meeting is open to the public.
The Salem R-80 Board of Education will be meeting this evening at 6:00 in the R-80 High School Library for their regular meeting. After the consent agenda the Board will hear communications. Superintendent Dr. Lynne Reed will report on a variety of issues including a Coaches Meeting, District Community Liaison Training, and Summer Work. In new business the board will review bids for milk, bread, food and supplies, fuel and pest control. The Board will set the date and time for the tax rate hearing and the regular August Board Meeting. Other topics to be considered will include a band teacher MOU with North Wood R-IV, return to learning plan, personnel handbook, COVID training stipend and MSBA policy recommendations. The Board will hear resignations before adjourning and moving into Executive Session for the discussion of personnel. The regular Board Meeting is open to the public.
The Salem Memorial District Hospital Board of Directors will conduct their July meeting this evening at 6:00 in the hospital library. After the approval of the minutes from the June 22nd meeting, Hospital Administrator Kasey Lucas will report on the summary of the operations and statistics for the month of June followed by the Chief of Nursing Report with Ashley Sullins. There will be a Hospital Auxiliary Report and the hospital foundation, plus the marketing and community perception report will be given by Chief Operating Officer Jason Edwards. In old business, Lucas will give the board an update on Covid-19, the hospital expansion and renovation, and the Cerner conversion. New business may consist of the review of purchases since the last meeting and the election of officers. The Board will set the Public Tax Meeting for August 17th at 5:45. The board may vote to go into closed session. The SMDH Board meeting is open to the public provided they wear a mask to the meeting.