Local News – Tuesday, July 11th, 2023
The Dent County Commission met Monday morning at the Dent County Courthouse. In the road report, District 1 Commissioner Wes Mobray stated materials would be added and grading done on Dent County Road 2400 while only grading would be done on county roads 4080 and 5450. He did say brush would be cut on county road 4220. Mobray also reported he received a call from US Forest Ranger Chad Keith who said the county was receiving an additional $43,000 in Title II money for materials for Dent County Road 5600 which is better known as the Turtle Loop located in the Mark Twain National Forest. The work by the county was to be completed by September 30th, but the county was granted an extension to December 31st due to the late notice. District 2 commissioner Gary Polk reported materials would be added and grading done on Dent County Roads 3225, 3250 and 3253 while only grading was going to be done on county roads 3080, 3270, 3273 and 3275. Polk stated he and the road supervisor checked on the problem at the Siers residence on Dent County Road 3240 where there was an excess of chips from the chip and seal work that was in his yard making it difficult and dangerous to mow. Polk said they talked with his wife and told her what they plan on doing to alleviate the extra chips and she was fine with their discussion. Polk also said that Dick Kitchen reported brush across county road 3253 which was removed. Presiding Commissioner Gary Larson said an MRPC electronics and tire collection would be held in Salem at 3rd and Grand Streets at the city water building, sponsored by the Solid Waste Management District. The collection will be held Saturday, September 9th and there will be charges for monitors and TV’s as well as tires. More information will be released nearer to time on hours. Commissioner Mobray then reported the county road and bridge department had been looking for and found a used 2015 20-ton hydraulic trailer that could be used to haul equipment from location to location when needed for $19,000 in like “new” condition owned by Rodney Osborne of Licking. The commission unanimously approved the purchase. State Representative Ron Copeland was at the meeting Monday to report that Governor Parson had signed 31 bills and vetoed one which was Senate Bill 189 because the bill could allow criminals convicted of sexual offenses, including sexual exploitation of a minor or the promotion of child pornography, to have their records expunged and be removed from the sex offender registry. The bill also expands the qualifications for restitution from those who are exonerated based on DNA evidence with the increased restitution amount by more than 75 percent for eligible individuals. The governor does not believe every taxpayer across the State should be responsible for prosecutorial errors made at the local level. Governor Parson said SB 189 contains many public safety measures that he supports and would like to sign into law, including Blair’s Law, Max’s Law, increased penalties for violent repeat offenders and gun crimes, and strengthening the public defender system, but in this case, these unintended consequences unfortunately outweigh the good. There was also a lengthy discussion on the passage of SB 190 which would provide some tax relief for senior citizens on their real estate taxes if approved by either the county commission or by a vote of the people. Many of the terms used and descriptions given were too vague as to the responsibilities of office holders so the Missouri Association of Counties will be holding a zoom meeting on Tuesday morning, July 18th, to discuss this new legislation. At the last meeting, Coroner Ben Pursifull reported to the commission the state agreed to pay the $2,500 bill from Boone County on the autopsy that was performed on Lillian McCarter from last year. The next meeting of the Dent County Commission will be Thursday morning at the Dent County Courthouse and the meeting is open to the public.
The Community Blood Center of the Ozarks (CBCO), the sole supplier of blood, platelets, and plasma to patients at 44 area healthcare facilities, needs blood donors to help ensure a strong summer blood supply to help avoid typical summer blood shortages for local use. As a sweet, summer treat, successful donors will receive a FREE ICE CREAM voucher from Dairy Queen, Culver’s OR Hiland Dairy. In addition, donors will receive a limited edition “Chillin’ in the Ozarks” T-shirt, while supplies last. Community Blood Center of the Ozarks donors provide all the blood for patients at Salem Memorial Hospital, as well as dozens of healthcare facilities across the Ozarks. The next CBCO Blood Drive will be today from 1:00 to 6:00 this afternoon at the First Baptist Church Fellowship Hall Library located at 201 N. MacArthur. Anther CBCO Blood drive will be held this Friday at the Salem memorial Hospital Doctor’s Library from 9:00 in the morning until 2:00 in the afternoon. To help avoid wait times, appointments are strongly encouraged. Donors can schedule an appointment at www.cbco.org/baseball or by calling 417-227-5006.
The Salem Board of Aldermen will hold their regular meeting this evening at the City Hall Council Chambers. The board will discuss Resolution #24-2023 to allow the mayor to execute agreement between the city and county collector, commission and treasurer for the collection of taxes due to the City of Salem and Salem Public Library on real and personal property. The aldermen will also discuss a solar grant letter of approval, the airport T-Hanger bids and the letter of concurrence of project award. The city will also discuss Resolution #23-2023 dealing with an agreement between the city and the Dent County Animal Welfare Society and when it will become effective. The board will hear a first reading of Bill #3553 authorizing the mayor to sign an agreement with the Missouri Highway and Transportation Commission to aid in the construction of a 6-unit Hangar Project at the Salem Airport. The board will also hear a second reading on a number of bills ranging from electric rates changes to employee manual and city code corrections that compliment each other. The board will then hear reports of city officials before going into closed session to discuss contracts. The meeting tonight is open to the public.
“Recollections” is a revival of Salem Public Library’s older adult program, providing an opportunity to gather and share memories on a central theme. While anyone is welcome, the content is designed for those who are at least 60 years of age. Programs will be held in the library’s downstairs meeting room at 10:30 in the morning on the second Wednesday of each month. The next meeting will be July 12th. Please use the outside ramp or stairs on the north side of the building. Library membership is not required and there is no fee for participation. For more information, call 729-4331. The Salem Public Library is located at 403 North Jackson.