Local News – Tuesday, July 11th, 2017
The Dent County Commission met Monday morning at the courthouse and heard from Dent County Treasurer Denita Williams on sales tax revenues received. She stated that monies received in July for General Revenue came to $71,274.12 and so far year-to-date, sales tax revenues are down $4,100.83. Last year, the sales taxes received in July were $69,594.89. Williams also gave the sales tax revenues for the Road and Bridge Fund for July and they came in at $32,872.26. That is slightly higher than the July 2016 figure of $32,799.16. She said year-to-date the fund is up $162.92 from last year. In the road report, District 1 Commissioner Dennis Purcell stated grading was going to be done on Dent County Roads 2400, 5150, 5550, 5600, and 6050. He went on to report brush would be cut on county roads 4110 and 6180 and possibly 6150 if time permits. District 2 Commissioner Gary Larson stated grading was going to be done on Dent County Roads 5200 and 5225 while materials would be added and grading done on Dent County Road 2070. He added that brush was going to be cut on county road 3220 and a tree was removed from county road 2055. Larson wanted to let the public know that Dent County Road 4060 would be closed for at least a week for the road crews to rebuild a low water crossing that has been washed out by the rains. The low water crossing will be blocked off to all traffic. The next meeting of the commission will be Thursday morning at 9:00 at the courthouse and the meeting is open to the public.
If you are looking to get back into the workforce or have never tried to find a job, you should attend REJOBS. REJOBS is a re-entry job success workshop that will be held this Wednesday at the Salem Community Center @ the Armory located 1200 West Rolla Road from 9:00 in the morning until 4:00 in the afternoon with an hour lunch break. Activities will include establishing career paths for re-entering job seekers, preparing a letter of explanation for communicating your background, do a completed resume interviewing practice, discuss work opportunity tax credits, training & education resource; discuss the federal bonding program, talk about criminal background information, attempt to identify jobs that match your interests and work values as well as getting your national career readiness certification. The workshop is FREE, and for more information or to register stop by or call Kelsey at 729-8163.
In the Rolla Post Office incident Sunday in Rolla, the gunman was identified as Benedict Benito, an employee of the post office. There was no apparent motive for his actions. Benito had no prior criminal history and no history of mental illness. Law enforcement and first responders who came together to assist Rolla Police Department included the Missouri S&T University Police Department, Missouri State Highway Patrol Troop I, the Phelps County Sheriff’s Department, and the Rolla Fire Department.
The Salem Police Department will conduct a storm sirens test on Wednesday, July 12th at 10:00 am, weather permitting. The storm sirens will not be tested if there are any systems moving in or it appears weather conditions are ominous.
The Salem Board of Aldermen met Monday evening at the city hall council chambers. The board approved the request from Grace Community Church to close Water Street from Franklin Street to the end of their parking lot on Saturday, July 22nd from 8:00 AM until 1:00 PM, Sunday, September 17th from 8:00 AM until 4:00 PM and on Tuesday, October 31st from 4:00 to 9:00 PM for Trunk or Treat. The board heard from Tammy Walker from Heartland Metal and how the new rates would be affecting her business. She said they use about 525,000 gallons a month and in May of 2015 their bill was $865.69 and that went up to $1,056 in June of 2015. If passed the new charge for 525,000 gallons would be $1,312.50 or a 52% increase from May of 2015. Their sewer rates are even worse going from $651 in May of 2015 to $1,581 in June of 2015 and if the ordinance is passed, their sewer bill would be $2,063.25 which comes to a 217% increase. She knows that an increase in rates was needed, but these increases are too steep and could drive them out of Salem or out of business. She said they currently have 20 employees and one shift. Walker said 30 years ago it was the attractive water and sewer rates that brought Heartland Metal to Salem and wouldn’t be ironic if the rates were to force them to leave. The board approved the bid from T & R Electric for 37.5 KVA Polemount Transformers for 568.00 each, and for both types of 50 KVA Polemount transformers, for $694.00 each. The board approved the bid to purchase Class 2, 40-foot utility poles from Bridgewell Resources from Dierks, Arkansas for $320 each. City Attorney William Camm Seay presented the Planning and Zoning Commission report and he said they recommended to approve the request from the Dent County Commission to close Water and Iron Streets from Rolla Road to 5th Street with the city retaining utility easement rights. The board approved the recommendation. City Administrator Ray Walden said the feedback on the 4th of July Parade and Fireworks was positive. He wanted to thank Healthy Dent County and the county commissioners for selling lanterns and collecting donations that totaled $700 toward next year’s fireworks display. Walden said the city is in the process of reposting the position of Economic Development Director for the City of Salem with the addition of the $5,000 from the IDA Board and $5,000 from the Dent County Commission. He also reminded everyone the next Alderman meeting would be Monday, July 24th at 7:00. The board heard Bill #3333 which would create an ordinance establishing rates for water and sewer services, and after some discussion, Alderman Chad Heithold wanted to amend the Bill on Section 1, subsection “F” to remove the word “annually” and reduce the gallons from 400,000 to 350,000. The board also wants to look into rates of other cities for large water users. There was no new information on the trailer court licenses as the Park Street Park has still not applied and the park at 701 East Center was not approved by the aldermen. The board approved the buying of a rebuilt motor and pump for the Al Brown Field Lift Station for $6,470 from Evans Enterprises. Each lift station has two motors and pumps so the lift station is still operating. Alderman Heithold suggested embossing our pumps so we know that Salem is getting their pump back and not some other pump. The meeting was then adjourned.