Local News – Tuesday, January 30th, 2024
The Salem Area Chamber of Commerce has selected Emily Cook as the new Salem Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Director to replace long time director Tabitha Utley. Cook who was born and raised in Salem and is excited to be the director of the chamber for the opportunities it brings in helping the community grow and continue to thrive.
The Dent County Commission met for their regular meeting at the courthouse Monday. At the meeting, District 1 Commissioner Wes Mobray said his crew is rebuilding hangers at the county road and bridge compound for the six salt spreaders that the county has. The old ones were in bad shape. District 2 Commissioner Gary Polk stated rock would be added and grading done on Dent County Road 5340, while only grading was going to be done on county road 6160. Materials will also be added to county roads 2403, 6120 and 6123. Presiding Commissioner Gary Larson said he spoke with Jadwin resident Dan Riley about the unreliable hard line phone service he is getting in the Jadwin area as well as intermittent cell service. Larson also said the Dent County Assessor Jamie Homeyer submitted a contract for the updating of the online MAP service from Justin Basham, an independent contractor, who is replacing Ron Schwartz of Landmark Surveying who passed away. The contract was for six months at $575 per month for a total of $3,450. After six months, the maintenance contract can be renegotiated. Larson also announced the required county commissioner training will be held February 28th, 29th and March 1st. Dent County Clerk Angie Curley said the last day to register for the April Municipal election will be March 6th, absentee voting will begin February 20th, March 19th will be the first day for “no excuse” absentee voting, March 20th will be the last day to mail out a ballot, and Monday, April 1st will be the last day to vote absentee. Also, February 27th will be the first day anyone can sign up to run for a county or state office. Those people will need to register at the county clerk’s office. She also wanted to remind voters that if they have recently moved, had a name change, or had problems last year when they voted, to make sure you check and update your registration in her office in the courthouse. After the budget was approved, the commission began paying all the bills they were unable to pay due to the budget process. The next meeting of the Dent County Commission will be Thursday at 9:00 at the courthouse and the meeting is open to the public.
The Salem Memorial District Hospital (SMDH) Board of Directors has a vacancy for the Director of Election District one. The SMDH bylaws and Section 206.090.1 RSMo., provide that a vacancy on the board shall be filled by appointment by the remaining Board of Directors. The appointee will hold office until the municipal election to be held in April 2025. Candidates for director of the hospital district shall be citizens of the United States, voters of the election district one and who have resided within the state for one year preceding the election and who are at least 30 years of age. Persons interested in being considered by the Board of Directors shall complete and file a Request for Appointment. The Request for Appointment Form may be obtained in person at the Administrative offices of Salem Memorial Hospital located at 35629 Highway 72 in Salem between the hours of 8:00 in the morning and 4:00 in the afternoon, Monday through Friday, through February 16th, 2024. Applicants are expected to appear at the SPECIAL Board of Directors meeting that will be held on Friday evening, February 16th at 6:00 for a brief interview. District boundary information may be obtained at the Administrative Office of Salem Memorial District Hospital during regular business hours.
The Dent County Sheriffs office has released some reports. On Saturday, January 13th, a deputy responded to the 18000 block of Route C for a report of animal neglect. During the investigation, multiple dogs and cats were found to be outside during inclement weather without proper shelter, food, or water. The owner, a 65-year-old Salem man, became compliant with Missouri statutes and the case was closed. Then on Monday the 15th, a deputy responded to the 5000 block of Highway O for a recovered cell phone. The victim, a 42-year-old Canadian woman, discovered the phone missing in October of 2023 in Austin, Texas. The phone was tracked to Dent County after it was purchased by a resident. The phone was recovered and will be returned to its owner. No local charges were filed in this case. And finally, on Friday the 19th, a deputy responded to the 900 block of Dent County Road 5440 for a report of a horse that had been shot. A 52-year-old Salem man, told the deputy he had discovered his horse had been shot and provided possible suspect information. The investigation is still ongoing. If you have information regarding an investigation, contact the Dent County Sheriff’s office at 729-3241.
An accident happened Sunday evening just after 5:45 in Phelps County on Highway 63, about four miles south of Rolla. According to the highway patrol report, a 2005 Jeep Cherokee being driven south by 30-year-old Megan Strain of Rolla, made a right turn on a county road. The Jeep crossed the center line and struck a 2021 Volkswagen being driven by 31-year-old James Whittingham also of Rolla. Whittingham suffered minor injuries and was transported by the Phelps Health EMS to Phelps Health Hospital. The Volkswagen sustained extensive damage and was towed from the scene by D&D Towing. The Jeep was removed from the scene by the owner. The report went on to state that both drivers were wearing seat restraints.