Local News – Tuesday, January 15th, 2019
The Missouri Department of Conservation, the Nature Conservancy and the University of Missouri Extension will be holding a public meeting to “Stop the Weed Invasion” TONIGHT at the Salem Community Center@The Armory. The meeting will be held from 6:00 until 8:00.
Attendees will receive basic information about problem weed plants, share the observations and concerns about the invasive plants, discuss ideas on how to work together to tackle invasive weeds and also will find out about cost-share programs that are available for private landowners that can help pay to try to eliminate these weed plants from their land. For more information, contact the Dent County Extension office at 729-3196 or the Nature Conservancy at 573-323-8790.
The Dent County Commissioners met Monday morning at the Dent County Courthouse for their regular meeting. Dent County Treasurer Denita Williams gave the report on the sales tax money received by the county from the state this month. She stated the General Revenue Fund collection was $88,880.89 and that is just over $48.00 less than January of 2018. The LEST Fund ½ cent sales tax receipts mirrored the General Revenue Fund receipts in January. She reported the Road and Bridge Fund taxes received were $41,339.16 and that was $5,535.43 more than the January 2018 funds received. That is about a 15% increase. The two jail funds received a total of $183,730.57 and that is some $38,000 more than what was received last January, but the fund had just gone into effect in November. In the road report, both commissioners said crews were out Saturday morning working to clear some roads and treat slick spots. They said workers would be back out on the roads removing any downed limbs from the storm as well as treating any hills and curves that still may be slick. Presiding Commissioner Darrell Skiles said he did not attend the MRPC meeting Thursday as planned, but understood that only Bennie Cook, who is Jason Smith’s representative, was in attendance representing federal legislators for the meeting. He said the big priority discussion is still about getting broadband into the underserved areas. Dent County Clerk Angie Curley said work on the budget continues. The next meeting of the Dent County Commissioners will be Thursday morning at 9:00 and the meeting is open to the public.
TODAY is the last day to file for school board positions at all the schools, the Salem Memorial District Hospital Board of Directors, the Dent County Fire Protection District Board of Directors, Dent County Health Department Board of Directors and for an East and West Wards Alderman for the City of Salem. Filing for school boards should be done at each school’s administrative offices and there is no cost to file. Filing for the Salem Memorial District Hospital Board of Directors needs to be done at the Hospital in the Administration Department and there is no charge to file. Sign ups for the Dent County Fire Protection District Board of Directors will be held at the Dent County Firehouse and there is a $50 filing fee. Filing for the aldermanic seats for the city will be at the City Administrative Building at the 4th and Iron Street and there is a $25 filing fee. You must also be resident of the ward you wish to run in for at least one year prior to the election. To file for the Dent County Health Board of Directors, you will need to file at the Dent County Clerks Office and there is no filing fee. Please be sure to read the qualifications to file for each position. This may include a determined number of years of residency, proof of payment of all real estate and property taxes, and other requirements. Filing will be held during normal working hours. Contact the entity you may be interested in to get all the details.