Local News – Tuesday, February 27th, 2024
At the special Salem Memorial Hospital board meeting held Sunday, after new Board member Karen Brown was sworn in, the board discussed the “Dancing with the Salem Stars” event thanking all the staff, the foundation, dancers, sponsors and the volunteers that made it possible. Upon a motion by Board Member Zach Moser, the board initially discussed to declare the office of the chairman vacant and open for a replacement in open session. After much discussion in open session about the direction of the board and the financial situation of the hospital, the board went into closed session where Board Chairman Ray Bruno resigned his position. Back in open session, the board chose Mike Swyers to take over as chairman, Wanda Tatum as vice-chairman and Karen Brown as the secretary until the board meeting after the April election. The meeting was then adjourned.
The Dent County Commissioners met Monday morning for their regular meeting. Dent County Treasurer Denita Williams brought in the CART funds received. She said this February, the county deposited $77,753.79 compared to $75,409.62 from February of 2023. That is an increase of $2,344.17 from last year’s total and year-to date, the CART funds are up $4,064.30 or about a 2.67% increase. In the road report, District 1 Commissioner Wes Mobray said rock would be added and grading done on Dent County Road 2480 while only grading will be done on county roads 4210 and 6600. Mobray said a load of pea gravel and sand was being taken to the Bunker City Hall. District 2 Commissioner Gary Polk said rock would be added and grading done on Dent County Road 2200 while only grading would be done on county road 4410. Rock would also be added to county road 2370. Presiding Commission Gary Larson said there will be no commission meeting Thursday due to the commission’s CCAM training. Dent County Clerk Angie Curley said TODAY is the first day for candidates for county offices to register at the courthouse for the August 6th Primary. The last day to sign-up will be March 26th at 5:00 at the courthouse. To find out what you need to bring with you when you file, call the Dent County Clerk’s office at 573-729-4144. Different offices have different requirements so call before you come to sign up. Curley said the last day to register to vote for the April 2nd election is March 6th. She will also be doing a voter registration drive at the Salem High School on March 5th. Absentee voting continues through April 1st in her office. State Representative Ron Copeland talked with the commissioners about the Highway 19 bridge at Standing Rock and MoDOT has in indicated to him that when the preliminary plans are complete they would let Copeland know. He was also updated by Commissioner Mobray about the National Park Service Superintendent Jason Lott wanting to add boulders to prevent people from riding through the creek at Tan Vat. There was discussion on Senate Bill 190, the use tax, a speed limit bill for county roads as well as some discussion on other new bills being introduced. Michael Clancy from Reno Dry was in to offer a free inspection of the courthouse to determine how much moisture is getting into the masonry from the ground. As moisture gets into the masonry, it hastens the deterioration through the salt in the moisture. Reno Dry has an electromagnetic system that forces the moisture out of the masonry and preserves older buildings. The commission approved allowing them to do a free inspection. They offer a three-year money back guarantee and a 25-year warranty. American Automotive was in to ask for truck crossings to be installed on his road and they would also like to get the speed reduced on the road. The commission told them they need to get a petition signed to create the speed limit. They will order the truck crossing signs. Corky Stack of AEA Design Group was in to discuss the work on the Christmas lights on the courthouse and some possible wiring problems in the controller and from the protective cover. New controllers have been ordered and once they are installed, TrimLights feel that will take care of the problem. Stack brought in a change order that shows a $17,000 contingency reduction from the contract with Alexander Construction for the electric work that now will not be done by Alexander Construction. The commissioners then went into closed session. At the last meeting, Brandi Richardson and Eric Meusch from the Dent County Extension came in with the 2023 Extension report, an update on the Junior Livestock Committee and other updates. The Commission voted to re-appoint Sherman Odom and Jeff Sellers to the IDA Board and they added Jenna Deason to the board. The next meeting of the commission will be Monday, March 4th at 9:00 at the courthouse.
The Salem Board of Aldermen will hold a special closed session meeting this afternoon at 4:00 to discuss personnel at the Salem Community Center@The Armory. This meeting is NOT open to the public. Then the Salem Board of Aldermen will hold their regular meeting at the Armory at 6:00. After public comments, the board will hear the 2023 fiscal year audit presented by Krista Deluca before Finance Director Stacey Houston gives her update on the current years revenues and expenditures. The board will discuss Resolution #5-2024 allowing the mayor to sign an addendum to the contract for floodplain management with the MRPC to extend their services due to the city being selected or an audit. They will also discuss Resolution #6-2024 allowing the mayor to renew an agreement with City of Salem and Health and Senior Services for the purpose of taking and monitoring of water samples for the testing of sewer shed disease trends. The board will also hear Resolution 7-2024 allowing the mayor to enter into an agreement to provide sewer and water line insurance on private property with the city’s blessing. The board will heard bids on chain link fencing for the industrial park water tower and well #4; and bids for plumbing work for the damage at the old city hall auditorium. The board will hear second readings of 11 bills dealing with vaping and smoking in city buildings and properties, and the reading of Bill #3600 for engineering services with Archer-Elgin. After the reports of city officials, the board will go into closed session. The regular meeting is open to the public.