Local News – Tuesday, February 21st, 2023
It’s closing in fast! The annual opening celebration of the catch-and-keep trout fishing season in Missouri is March 1st at the state’s four trout parks: Bennett Spring State Park near Lebanon, Montauk State Park near Salem, Roaring River State Park near Cassville, and Maramec Spring Park near St. James. The catch-and-keep season at the trout parks runs through October 31st. The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) operates trout hatcheries at all four parks and stocks rainbow trout daily throughout the season. Trout anglers need a daily trout tag to fish in Missouri’s trout parks during this time. The Department of Conservation staff stock more than 800,000 trout annually at the state’s four trout parks and approximately 1.5 million trout annually statewide. Daily trout tags can only be purchased at each of the four trout parks. MDC encourages trout anglers to have the correct amount of cash for daily tags if possible. Missouri residents who are 16 years of age through 64 and nonresidents who are 16 and older also need a fishing permit in addition to the daily trout tag. The cost of a daily trout tag to fish at three of Missouri’s four trout parks — Bennett Spring State Park, Montauk State Park, and Roaring River State Park – is $4 for adults and $3 for those 15 years of age and younger. A daily fishing permits $8. The daily limit is four trout. At Maramec Spring Park, the daily limit is five trout and the cost of a daily trout tag for adults is $5 and $3 for anglers 15 years of age and younger. Remember, the use of shoes, boots or waders with porous soles of felt, matted or woven fibrous material is prohibited at all trout parks, trout streams, Lake Taneycomo, and buffer areas. This to prevent the invasive alga called didymo or “rock snot” getting into the pristine waters of the area. Get more information on the four trout parks from MDC online at mdc.mo.gov.
The City of Salem will be holding a Town Hall informational meeting to share information and answer questions concerning the Downtown Project, the Proposed Additional Sales Tax and the Sewer Bond this evening at the Old City Hall Auditorium located at 202 N. Washington St. from 5pm to 7pm. There will be presentations and information available from City Staff and the City’s Engineer, Archer Elgin Engineering will be on hand to answer questions about the topics. Light refreshments will be provided. The Downtown Project is anticipated to go to bid early this summer. The Additional Sales Tax and Sewer Bond will be on the April 4th, 2023, election ballot for the public to cast their vote. Residents are encouraged to come out and learn why these projects are occurring and the impact they will have on our community. For additional information contact Sally Burbridge, City Administrator at 729-2428.
The expansion of Highways 63 and 50 to four-lane corridors remain the number one and two regional transportation priorities, respectively, the Meramec Region’s Transportation Advisory Committee, or TAC, confirmed at its December 8th meeting. Other projects listed as a high priority in our area include addressing flooding concerns of the bridge over Crooked Creek in Dent County near Sligo, improving safety at Route V interchange in Phelps County, adding southbound turn lanes on Highway 63 to Highway 28 near Vichy, converting the overpass to an interchange at the junction of Route FF and I-44 in Crawford County, and address safety concerns on bridge over the West Fork of the Huzzah on Highway 32 in Dent County at Boss. The TAC approved the priority list and later that same evening recommended the prioritized list to the board of Meramec Regional Planning Commission (MRPC) and they also approved the list. MRPC will now share the list with the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) Central District office for consideration of inclusion in Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The STIP is a five-year rolling plan for design and construction projects, which means new projects are added each year. Persons needing more information on MRPC’s Transportation Advisory Committee may contact MRPC at (573) 265-2993.
The Salem Area Arts Council will hold a Parent/Child Paint Party this Saturday afternoon from 2:00 to 4:00 at the Creative Arts Center. Isabella Knaack will guide you step-by-step through the painting of a cute Panda. You will have fun learning to paint with your kids. All the supplies are provided and the cost is $20 foradults and $5 for each child. To sign up, call or text SACBA at 573-247-0651, or go online at salemcommunitybetterment.com and look under programs for the Salem Creative Arts Center.
As a result of last summer’s drought in the area the Dent/Phelps County Cattlemen’s Association will be presenting a program titled “Let’s talk about Supplementing Tight Forage Supplies.” The program will be Thursday night at Smith Valley Event Barn on Highway HH at Salem. Panelists for the program include Stephen C. Duame, MFA Incorporated Livestock Specialist, Phillip Mercer, Dent County Farm Supply, Frank Barnitz, Networth Feeds and Feeding, LLC, and Eric Bailey, Assistant Professor State Beef Extension Specialist. The meeting will start at 6:00 that evening with a Chili Dinner provided by the Association members. If you are planning to attend please RSVP to the Dent County Extension Center by calling 729-3196.