Local News – Tuesday, February 13th, 2024
Dent County Assessor Jamie Homeyer wants to remind everyone your annual assessment forms that list your personal and business property for 2023 are due on Friday, March 1st. Those forms MUST be in the Dent County Assessor’s Office by that day or postmarked that day to avoid paying a penalty. You may drop off your assessment list at the assessor’s office at the courthouse and they are open from 8:00 in the morning until 4:30 in the afternoon, weekdays. There is also a drop box on the front lawn of the courthouse for your convenience if you can’t make it by until after hours. You can also mail in your assessment list forms but make sure you have the postal clerk postmark your envelope. You can also e-file your assessment list form online. Just follow the instructions on the assessment form you received in the mail. If you have lost your assessment list form or never received one, or you are new to the area, additional blank forms are available at the Dent County Assessor’s Office in the Dent County Courthouse. The penalty for not getting in your assessment form on time is determined at $10 per every $1,000 of assessed valuation with a maximum penalty of $100 if you have assessed valuation of $10,000 or more. A quick reminder for those wanting to file their form online, you can only e-file your assessment list form until April 30th. If you have any questions or need assistance with the online form, call Dent County Assessor Jamie Homeyer at the Dent County Courthouse at 729-6010 or stop by during regular business hours at the corner of Highway 19 and 4th Street in downtown Salem.
The City of Salem will be temporarily closing Rolla Road TOMORROW from 8:30 in the morning until 4:00 in the afternoon between North MacArthur Avenue and Main Street (or Highway 19,) in order to replace a storm water culvert that goes under the roadway. Local traffic will have access off of Rolla Road to Henderson, Jackson and Washington Streets, but will not be able to go through to MacArthur (J Highway) during these hours. Large trucks that normally use this section of Rolla Road, should detour to Highway 32/72 if they are coming south on Highway 72 or south on Highway 19. Signs and Barriers will be in place.
The Salem R-80 Board of Education will be meeting Thursday evening at 5:30 at the district administrative offices. After approval of the consent agenda, the board will hear the superintendents report followed by reports by the principals of William Lynch Elementary, the Upper Elementary, the Salem Middle School, and Salem Senior High School. Clay Moody will present a report to the board on activities and athletics to be followed by a report on special education, instructional coaches and technology. In new business the board will approve the 2024-2025 calendar, the board will discuss policy GCBA interpretation, approve the contract with HTK for the FEMA building, set the March Board meeting date, and hear the first reading of board policy updates. The board will hear resignations, if there are any, before moving into executive session. The meeting Thursday evening will be open to the public.
The Salem Board of Alderman will hold a regular meeting this evening at Salem Community Center@The Armory starting at 6:00. After the consent agenda, the board will hear a 9-1-1 presentation from Scott Cason before hearing about the 2023 Fiscal Year Audit from auditor Krista Deluca. In new business, the board will discuss Resolution #4-2024 authorizing the mayor to execute a lease agreement with Pitney Bowes for postal machine services. Alderman Shawn Bolerjack requested a public comment policy be discussed and adopted by the board to set the parameters of public comments addressed at the board. The board will hear the first readings of eleven bills that deal with the adoption of a new chapter to the Salem City Code and that will Chapter 240.010 called the Clean Air Ordinance. The next ten bills will refer to the new chapter and discuss the details associated with the bills. The board will also hear the reading of six other bills ranging from amending the Utility Committee definition, changing the way utility deposits on property will be calculated, two bill on amending the housing violation codes of the City of Salem, and an ordinance that amends the annual budget of the City of Salem for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1st, 2023. Those budget adjustments show an increase in revenues of $889,076, an increase in expenditures of $622,720 and an increase in intergovernmental transfers of $41,090. The board will then hear reports from city officials before the board goes into closed session to discuss personnel, contracts and litigation. The meeting of the Salem Board of Aldermen is open to the public.