Local News – Tuesday, December 4th, 2018
Attention Residents of the City of Salem! Starting today and for the next couple of weeks, the Salem Water Department is going to be flushing fire hydrants all over town. You may notice that your water may be a bit murky for a little while in the area where the hydrants are being flushed. The water is safe to consume and it will clear up once all the hydrants have been flushed.
The Dent County Commission met Monday morning at the Dent County Courthouse. At the meeting, Dent County Treasurer Denita Williams reported on the CART monies received in November. She said the county received $56,441.84 compared to $56, 976.93 in November of 2017. Year-to-date, the county is up in CART receipts by $4,031.55. City of Salem Economic Development Director Sally Burbridge was in attendance to present the commission a monthly report of her activities. She reported on business sites and visits, economic prospects, GRO Dent County, available properties and current listings and provided the county with graphs on taxable sales per business group comparisons, sales for the city, sale for Dent County and the unemployment situation in Dent County. Burbridge said she would provide a monthly report to the commission to keep them up to date on her activities. Donald Dodd from the IDA wanted to let the commission know the next meeting of the Industrial Development Authority would be December 12th at 6:00. In the road report, District 1 Commissioner Dennis Purcell stated materials would be added and grading done on Dent County Roads 4080 and 5530. He said only grading would be done on county road 6040 and brush would be cut on county road 4210. Purcell also indicated shop maintenance was going to be done. District 2 Commissioner Gary Larson reported that materials would be added and grading done on Dent County Road 2540 while grading only would be done on county roads 3050 and 4280. He also said materials would be added to county roads 2520 and 2530 as part of the Department of Conservation agreement for those roads going into conservation areas. Larson went on to say patch grading would be done on Dent County Roads 3180 and 3220. Presiding Commissioner Darrell Skiles wanted to congratulate all those who were a part of the Christmas Parade of Lights Saturday and for those who attended to watch. He said he has heard nothing but good reviews on the parade. Dent County Clerk Angie Curley said she is still working on the 2019 budget requests form office holders. The next meeting of the Dent County Commissioners will be Thursday morning at 9:00 at the courthouse and the meeting is open to the public.
The Dent County Sheriff’s office has released several reports. On Tuesday, November 27th, deputies responded to the 5000 block of Highway YY in reference to a domestic assault. During the course of the investigation, a 61-year old Cedar Hill man was arrested for possession of marijuana. The male was taken to the Dent County Sheriff’s Office, issued summons and released. That same day, deputies conducted a traffic stop on Highway 72 near American Muffler and Tire. During the course of the traffic stop, a 22-year old Desoto man was arrested for unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of marijuana/synthetic cannabinoid of 10 grams or less. The man was taken to the Dent County Sheriff’s Office, issued a summons and released. The next day, Wednesday, November 28th, deputies conducted a traffic stop in the 1400 block of Highway 32 East. During the course of the traffic stop, an 18-year old Salem man was arrested for the possession of marijuana/synthetic cannabinoid of 10 grams or less and unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia. The man was taken to the Dent County Sheriff’s Office, issued a summons and released. And finally on Saturday, December 1st, deputies conducted a traffic stop at US Foods parking lot. During the course of the traffic stop, an 18-year old Salem man was arrested for driving while being intoxicated, minor visibly intoxicated with a blood content more than 0.020%, and operating a motor vehicle in a careless and imprudent manner. He was taken to the Dent County Sheriff’s Office, issued summons, and released. If anyone has any information about an ongoing investigation, please call the Dent County Sheriff’s Department at 729-3241.
The Dent County Fire Protection District Board of Directors will conduct their December meeting tonight at the fire station beginning at 6:00 in the evening. After approval of the agenda, as well as the minutes from the November meeting, the Board will hear a financial report, review and approve bills, disburse reimbursement checks and review the budget. The Board will review the calendar for upcoming events and the monthly reimbursement report will be presented. Then the Board will address any old or new business and hear reports. The Board will also set the date for the January meeting to be held at the fire station beginning at 6:00 for January 8th, since the first Tuesday falls on New Years Day. The December meeting of the Dent County Fire Protection District Board of Directors is open to the public.
Do you want to help make a Dent County child’s Christmas morning bright? You can Adopt-an-Angel from the Salvation Army’s Christmas tree located this year at Wal-Mart. This year a total of 280 children have been registered for this program. This is an increase from previous year’s totals and we need your help in “adopting” these angels. It is easy to help out. Just follow these steps: Select a tag representing a specific child from the Angel tree at Wal-Mart. Then shop for gifts based on the parent’s suggestions. You do not have to purchase everything, this is just a guideline. Once you are finished shopping, bring the unwrapped gifts to the Wal-Mart Service Desk along with the angel tag by Monday, December 17th. Your gifts will be distributed to your adopted “angel” on Wednesday, December 19th. For questions, please contact the Dent County Service Unit of the Salvation Army at 729-8163.
The Salem Chamber Choir will be singing this Thursday night at the Trees and Trains Exhibit at the ONCRC at 202 South Main Street starting at 6:30. Everyone is welcome to attend and there is no charge to enter.