Local News – Tuesday, August 7th, 2018
A Primary Election was held Tuesday to determine who will run for offices for their respective parties in the November General Election. In some cases where they will be no opponent in November, the election determined who will take office in January. Those offices include the Dent County Presiding Commissioner race, Public Administrator race and Dent County Collector race. A total of 4,022 votes were cast which is 40.65% of the registered voters. Only the contested races are presented.
* indicates winner.
Dent County Presiding Commissioner
Darrell Skiles* 1,678 votes
Travis Fulton 1,574 votes
Dent County Collector
Shannon VanKirk* 2,134 votes
Nancy M. Inman 1,098 votes
Public Administrator
Sherida Cook* 1,689 votes
Nikki Eaton 1,402 votes
The 143rd State Representative race was also decided in the Republican primary. Other results show the winner of the Republican Primary and they will face an opponent in the November General Election.
State Representative District 143
Jeffrey Pogue* 4,270 votes
Jack Bates 1,405 votes
Circuit Judge Circuit 42 Division 1
Megan Seay* 6,095 votes
Scott Bernstein 3,255 votes
Glenn Hall 1,210 votes
The Dent County Commissioners met Monday morning at the courthouse. In the road report, District 1 Commissioner Dennis Purcell said it was too dry to grade in his district so brush will be cut on Dent County Roads 2400, 2410, 4110 and 4120. He stated materials would be added to county road 6610 and a man would be going to Springfield to get oil for chip and seal repair. District 2 Commissioner Gary Larson said materials would be added and grading done on Dent County Roads 4370 and 5300 while only grading would be done on county road 5290. He indicated brush would be cut on county road 4430 and a man was going to Jefferson City to get parts for a backhoe. The backhoe has a blown hose and the wrong hose was sent to the shop for the repair. Presiding Commissioner Darrell Skiles reported that he attended the CCAM board meeting held at Echo Bluff State Park last Tuesday through Thursday to plan for the annual training in February. He said about 45 commissioners were there and some even brought their families to enjoy the new facility. Skiles said it was one of the best meetings they have ever had and the service was excellent. Skiles also wanted to remind everyone that it is very dry and please be very careful with any type of burning. Dent County Clerk Angie Curley said the polls would be open from 6:00 this morning until 7:00 tonight for the Primary election. People will need to bring with them a photo ID to vote. She is also reminding everyone that no electioneering can be done within 25 feet of the polls. Curley also stated she balanced with the collector and assessor on all collections, abatements and add-ons for the month of July which was approved by the commissioners. The next meeting of the Dent County Commissioners will be Thursday morning at 9:00 at the courthouse and the meeting is open to the public.
The Dent County Sheriff's office has released some reports. On Saturday, July 27th, deputies responded to a residence on Dent County Road 5120 for a report of a domestic disturbance. It was reported that a 23-year old Salem man had pushed his father-in-law to the ground. He was arrested for Domestic Assault in the 4th Degree, fingerprinted, issued and summons, and released. On Tuesday, July 31st, deputies received a report of someone using movie prop money to purchase items from other individuals. After an investigation, a 19-year old Salem man was arrested for stealing, was fingerprinted, issued a summons, and released. Later that day, deputies conducted a traffic stop at the intersection of Highways 19 and 32. A “consent to search” the vehicle was granted and pills and methamphetamine were located. As a result, a 40-year old female from Pilot Knob was arrested and taken to the Dent County Jail. On Wednesday, August 1st, deputies traveled to a residence in the 3000 block of Route OO to serve an arrest warrant. A 23-year old Salem man with a felony Laclede County warrant was located and arrested. He was taken to the Dent County Jail. Later that same day, deputies responded to the 3000 block of Highway 119 in reference to a domestic disturbance. After an investigation, a 52-year old Salem man was found to be in possession of a baggie of methamphetamine. He was arrested and taken to the Dent County Jail. If anyone has any information regarding an ongoing investigation, please contact the Dent County Sheriff’s Department at 729-3241.