Local News – Tuesday, August 29th, 2017
The Dent County Commissioners met Monday morning at the Dent County Courthouse for their regular meeting. In the road report, District 1 Commissioner Dennis Purcell stated materials would be added and grading done on Dent County Road 4160 while grading only would be done on county roads 5150, 6080 and 6085. He also said brush would be cut on county road 5170. District 2 Commissioner Gary Larson said materials were going to be added and grading done on Dent County Roads 2330 and 2380 while only grading would be done on county road 4330. He also indicated brush would be cut on county road 3050. Larson recommended the county get fuel bids for the Roads and Bridge Department due to the expected rise in fuel prices due to the hurricane in the Houston area. Bids would be taken on 7,000 gallons of diesel and County Fuels was awarded that bid with $1.81.7 per gallon and MFA Was awarded the gas bid with $1.81.7 per gallon got 1,000 gallons of unleaded. Presiding Commissioner Darrell Skiles had nothing to report. The courthouse would be closed on Monday, September 4th for the Labor Day Holiday. The next meeting of the Dent County Commission will be Thursday morning at 9:00 and the meeting is open to the public.
The Dent County Health Center Board of Trustees held their regular meeting on Monday, August 21st. At the meeting, it was reported Health Center nurses have been working closely with area school nurses to ensure all student immunizations are up to date. They are able to provide vaccines to children with private insurance, Medicaid, and those that are uninsured. This year influenza shots will be shipped soon and they will begin giving flu shots in the coming weeks. In new business, the Local Agency Plan WIC plan is progressing and will be completed by August 31. The case load for fiscal year 2018 is down 40 clients from fiscal year 2017. It was reported Administrator Kendra Mobray will be attending the annual SEMA conference. The Health Center is working closely with Salem Memorial District Hospital to plan a county-wide exercise in the near future. It was also reported that Joan Raulston and Administrator Mobray attended the annual MCH meeting in July. In 2018, the health center will be conducting surveys within the MCH population to determine Priority Health Issues to be addressed in 2019 through 2021. Also noted at the meeting was the work done by nurses working with the Department of Health and Senior Services to investigate a recent rabid dog. The county is still under a rabies alert that will be lifted 90 days from the initial day of issuance if rabies activity is not identified in any domestic animals or in a significant number of wild animals. To reduce the risk of exposure, people should avoid contact with wild animals and stray pets, make sure dogs and cats are vaccinated against rabies, keep pets under control and do not let them run loose, do not keep wild animals or wild animal cross breeds as pets, notify the local animal control office or health department if you suspect an animal has rabies, and immediately seek medical evaluation when bitten or otherwise injured by an animal. In other business, Mobray reported Jennifer Roderman has been communicating with Boyce and Bynum Pathology Laboratories regarding a program they offer to local health departments to provide lab services at a discounted rate. After much discussion, the board approved proceeding with the service agreement. The Health Center will soon be accepting bids for new paint and flooring with detailed bid information to be posted in The Salem News. Mobray also reported she met with Douglas Dunn, the superintendent at Oak Hill R-I, to discuss an agreement to provide nursing services throughout the school year. That was approved by the board. The next regular board meeting date was set for Monday, September 18th at 5:00 p.m.
Customer traffic continues to increase at the Missouri Job Center Affiliate site in Salem. The office is located in the Salem Community Center @ the Armory located 1200 West Rolla Road. Sue Nardi, Career Consultant is available to assist customers Monday through Thursdays each week. Sue is available to assist job seekers with registration, resume development, completing on-line applications and job search. Additional services now available at the Salem Job Center include assessment to issue the National Career Readiness Certification (NCRC). The NCRC is a nationally recognized certification issued by ACT WorkKeys. Communities throughout the nation, including the Meramec sub-region in Central Missouri recognize the NCRC as validation of skills when considering job seekers for employment. Four levels of certification can be obtained. Bronze level confirms entry level abilities in “Reading and Understanding, Graphic Literacy and Applied Math”. Levels increase to confirm more advanced skills with Silver, Gold or Platinum certification. NCRC is a valuable tool for job seekers to use in demonstrating their skills and abilities to employers. NCRC allows employers to better match workers to specific jobs based on their assessed skill and competency levels. ACT WorkKeys Assessment is offered free of charge. Pre-screening will be conducted to ensure adequate skills to obtain an NCRC; the actual NCRC test is approximately three hours and testing dates can be scheduled. Call Sue at (573) 578-5573 or stop by the Salem Community Center to learn more about MO Job Center Programs and Services!